USA Pizzeria Singer
1980年代初頭、シチリアではマフィアの全面戦争が激化していた。パレルモ派の大物ブシェッタは抗争の仲裁に失敗しブラジルに逃れるが、残された家族や仲間達はコルレオーネ派の報復によって次々と抹殺されていった。ブラジルで逮捕されイタリアに引き渡されたブシェッタは、マフィア撲滅に執念を燃やすファルコーネ判事から捜査への協力を求められる。麻薬と殺人に明け暮れ堕落した犯罪組織コーザ・ノストラに失望していたブシェッタは、固い信頼関係で結ばれたファルコーネに組織の罪を告白する決意をするが、それはコーザ・ノストラの ”血の掟” に背く行為だった……。仁義なき抗争の果てに、名誉ある男の美学を貫こうとブシェッタが下した決断とは−−。
In a little Sicilian village at the edge of a forest, Giuseppe, a boy of 13, vanishes. Luna, his classmate who loves him, refuses to accept his mysterious disappearance. She rebels against the silence and complicity that surround her, and to find him she descends into the dark world which has swallowed him up and which has a lake as its mysterious entrance.
In the aftermath of a serious nuclear contamination, Victor and Darline live barricaded at home, wear gas masks and raise a child in a world that seems to have no future. They try not to succumb, to establish a new normal, but something shocking will definitely mark their destiny.
In the aftermath of a serious nuclear contamination, Victor and Darline live barricaded at home, wear gas masks and raise a child in a world that seems to have no future. They try not to succumb, to establish a new normal, but something shocking will definitely mark their destiny.
Set in a country church on a hot August day is an ironic and crude analysis and staging of the unwritten laws of prejudice and of meanness, in the society of appearance. In the perspective of "do it but do not say", the micro-stories of all the characters are alternated with the omnipresent co-protagonist of the story: the heat. The young bride, the greedy priest, the hedonist nun, the old women of the village, the femme fatale, the witnesses of the spouses, the relatives, the various guests and the groom himself tell with twists and sympathetic snapshots of almost Pirandellian humor timeless history where the clichés of a corrupt and indifferent society parade on the notes of the wedding march.
Set in a country church on a hot August day is an ironic and crude analysis and staging of the unwritten laws of prejudice and of meanness, in the society of appearance. In the perspective of "do it but do not say", the micro-stories of all the characters are alternated with the omnipresent co-protagonist of the story: the heat. The young bride, the greedy priest, the hedonist nun, the old women of the village, the femme fatale, the witnesses of the spouses, the relatives, the various guests and the groom himself tell with twists and sympathetic snapshots of almost Pirandellian humor timeless history where the clichés of a corrupt and indifferent society parade on the notes of the wedding march.
The staging of the eternal fight between man and the time. Man desires immortality, but his earthly body is destined to die, so he watches unarmed, just as a spectator, to the flow of his life events while the time is running out. Finally he will understand that only through the memory and the sign he can cherish a desire for immortality. The Time will end for everybody, but only those who will be able to leave a sign, will live forever.
The staging of the eternal fight between man and the time. Man desires immortality, but his earthly body is destined to die, so he watches unarmed, just as a spectator, to the flow of his life events while the time is running out. Finally he will understand that only through the memory and the sign he can cherish a desire for immortality. The Time will end for everybody, but only those who will be able to leave a sign, will live forever.
The staging of the eternal fight between man and the time. Man desires immortality, but his earthly body is destined to die, so he watches unarmed, just as a spectator, to the flow of his life events while the time is running out. Finally he will understand that only through the memory and the sign he can cherish a desire for immortality. The Time will end for everybody, but only those who will be able to leave a sign, will live forever.
Secondo Autista
Valerio Mastandrea is Franz, a night bus driver on the airport route who owes a lot of money from poker debts. He's stumbled upon by the variously named Leila, a thief who has accidentally become wrapped up in a secretive blackmail deal involving the President. As the film unfolds, a secret war between factions of the Security Services, a series of confusions among the various criminal fraternities whose activites have been touched upon by the deal, and Leila's past all complicate the situation.