Kim Jong-nam

出生 : 1971-05-10, Pyongyang, North Korea

死亡 : 2017-02-13


Self (archive footage)
2017年2月、マレーシアのクアラルンプール国際空港で一人の男が突然倒れた。神経猛毒剤VXを顔に塗られて殺された男は、北朝鮮・朝鮮 労働党委員長、金正恩の実兄・金正男。そして殺したのはベトナム人とインドネシア人の二人の若い普通の女性だった。暗殺の様子は空港の監視カメラにす べて納められ、そのいたずらのような“ドッキリ”映像は世界を駆け巡ることとなる――。なぜ彼女たちは北朝鮮の重要人物を暗殺したのか?そもそも彼女た ちはプロの殺し屋なのか?どのように暗殺者に仕立てあげられていったのか?分かってきたのは、貧しい二人がそれぞれの人生を夢見、そこに付け込んでSNSを通して巧妙に罠をしかけてきた北朝鮮の工作員たちの姿だった。巨大な国を相手に彼女たちの無罪を信じ、証拠を積み上げていく弁護団の渾身の調 査はやがてある真実に行きつく...。
Korea, A Hundred Years of War
Self (archive footage)
A contemporary history of Korea(s) from a unique point of view that embraces the inner history of both South and North Korea in a single narrative.
North Korea's Deadly Dictator
The assassination of Kim Jong-nam occurred on 13 February 2017 when two women attacked him with VX nerve agent, a lethal chemical weapon, at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia. Kim was the eldest son of deceased North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and the half-brother of current North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. North Korean diplomats objected to any form of autopsy being conducted on Kim's body, but the autopsy proceeded as the they did not submit a formal protest. Following Malaysia's refusal to release the body immediately, North Korea's ambassador Kang Chol accused Malaysia of collaborating with the country's enemies over the assassination of Kim Jong-nam.
Kim Jong-un: The Unauthorized Biography
Self - Politician (archive footage)
A journey through several countries to find those who really know Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader, in an attempt to profile a contradictory dictator who seems to rule his nation with both disturbing benevolence and cold cruelty while being worshipped as a living god by his subjects in exalted displays of ridiculous fanaticism.