Álvaro Martín Blanco


Camera Operator
未公開のオリンピック映像と舞台裏シーンを収録した「リディームチーム: 王座奪還への道」は、男子バスケットボールのアメリカ代表チームが4年前のアテネでの前代表による衝撃的惨敗を乗り越え、2008年北京オリンピックで金メダル獲得を目指す道のりを描いたドキュメンタリーです。チームを再生させる興味深い過程や、"リディームチーム"がいかにアメリカ・バスケットボール界の新基準を打ち立てたのか、ドウェイン・ウェイド、レブロン・ジェームズ、マイク・"コーチK"・シャシェフスキーといったアスリートやコーチの洞察に満ちたインタビューに焦点を当てます。
Agent Emerson
Director of Photography
In this immersive 360 degree first-person POV VR film, you the viewer are dropped into a visceral, action-packed 3D cinematic experience we are used to seeing in movie theaters, only this time YOU are the action hero. CIA Operative David Emerson awakens to find himself a subject of an experimental program with his body under complete remote control of the imperious General. With the aid of a rogue operative Alexandra, David has to retake charge of own actions and fight his way through the top security facility inside the most complex live-action VR film ever made.
Freelancers Anonymous
Billie #hatesherjob and quits mere months before getting married. She meets a ragtag group of women also looking for employment, and finds herself juggling her upcoming wedding with launching a new tech start-up.
Felipe Esparza: Translate This
Director of Photography
Comedian Felipe Esparza stars in his first HBO comedy special -- an uproarious hour of stand-up featuring his unconventional riffs on the immigrant experience and life's everyday battles.
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