親友であるCIAのフェリックス・ライターの結婚式に向かう途中、「サンチェスが現れた」とDEA(麻薬取締局)の連絡を受け、ボンドとライターは現場に向かう。サンチェスはDEAが長年追っている麻薬王だったが、自身の人脈で固めた地元を離れてアメリカ領内に姿を見せたということは、二度とない捕獲のチャンスだった。 ボンドとライターは、サンチェスが逃走に使ったセスナをヘリコプターで釣り上げ捕らえ、スカイダイビングで花嫁デラが待つ教会に降り立った。 しかし、サンチェスは買収した捜査官キリファーの手助けで護送車から逃亡。新婚初夜のライター夫妻を襲い、デラを殺した上ライターを拉致してサメに足を食べさせてしまった。 帰国しようとしていたボンドは、空港でサンチェスの逃亡を知りライター宅に急いだが、そこで無残なライター夫妻の姿を発見する。ボンドは報復を誓うが、任務を逸脱した行為に対してMが自ら訪米、別件の任務を指示する。ボンドは辞職を示し、その場から逃走。単身、サンチェスの元へ乗り込む。
Daryl is a normal 10-year-old boy in many ways. However, unbeknown to his foster parents and friends, Daryl is actually a government-created robot with superhuman reflexes and mental abilities. Even his name has a hidden meaning -- it's actually an acronym for Data Analyzing Robot Youth Life-form. When the organization that created him deems the "super soldier" experiment a failure and schedules Daryl to be disassembled, it is up to a few rogue scientists to help him escape.
When SAS Captain Peter Skellen is thrown out of the service for gross misconduct due to unnecessary violence and bullying, he is soon recruited by The People's Lobby, a fanatical group aiming to hold several US dignitaries hostage. But Skellen's dismissal is a front to enable him to get close to the terrorist group. Can he get close enough to stop the Lobby from creating an international incident?
A troubled rock star descends into madness in the midst of his physical and social isolation from everyone.
The film suggests Nijinsky was driven into madness by both his consuming ambition and self-enforced heterosexuality, the latter prompted by his romantic involvement with Romola de Pulszky, a society girl who joins impresario Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes specifically to seduce Nijinsky. After a series of misunderstandings with Diaghilev, who is both his domineering mentor and possessive lover, Nijinsky succumbs to Romola's charms and marries her, after which his gradual decline from artistic moodiness to complete lunacy begins.
A psychiatrist, Martin Dysart, investigates the savage blinding of six horses with a metal spike in a stable in Hampshire, England. The atrocity was committed by an unassuming seventeen-year-old stable boy named Alan Strang, the only son of an opinionated but inwardly-timid father and a genteel, religious mother. As Dysart exposes the truths behind the boy's demons, he finds himself face-to-face with his own.