Fran Burst-Terranella


The 12 Lives of Sissy Carlyle
Seven years ago, Sissy Carlyle's parents were killed in an icy car crash. While her charming irresponsible brother continued his questionable pursuits, Sissy stepped in to take care of their parents' antique shop, their home and the family cat Horatio. With her own life at a screeching halt, Sissy begins to fill 11 secret journals with the exciting adventures of daring, bold women she imagines she could be. Now her 27th birthday is just days away and Sissy decides to fill her 12th journal with the adventures of her real life - but much to her dismay, she has absolutely nothing to write about. Then one afternoon, an intriguing young performance artist walks into Sissy's shop and their chance encounter leads Sissy to face a tough choice - to remain safely cocooned in her fantasy lives or to take a chance and discover what her real life might become
A 1980 short about juggling and struggling with a career and a family, and the realities and joys of having both.
A 1980 short about the life and work of 80-year-old practicing psychiatrist Lila Bonner-Miller, who is at once a doctor, a church leader, an artist, a great-grandmother, and a remarkable example to all who know her.
A short 1982 film that offers a thought-provoking look at stereotypes about physical handicaps as seen in the story of a teenager with cerebral palsy who decides to try out for cheerleader.
Another Chance
A short 1983 documentary about an alternative to prison.