Gianantonio Mellone Martinone

Gianantonio Mellone Martinone


Gianantonio Mellone Martinone


Carabinieri secrétaire
Do you remember your first trip? Not the one you made at 5 years old with your parents to the East Coast of the United States. I mean the first time you traveled alone!? The great adventure. In 1991, I was a 21-years-old student. I went to Europe. Not because I wanted to visit all the great capitals, but because I wanted love... I wanted Marie-Ève Bernard.
Sono tornato
agricoltore padano
Mussolini reappears in Rome 72 years after his death, finding a Country still full of problems like racism and hate for politicians. Misguised for an actor, he sides with a young filmmaker and starts traveling along Italy to reconquer it.
Buona giornata
Faccia d'angelo
Come trovare nel modo giusto l'uomo sbagliato
Tecnico Fotoromanzi
Roman Summer
Former theatre actress comes back to Rome and meets old and new friends.
Una canna con Goldrake
Classe mista 3ª A