Kimberly Dilts

Kimberly Dilts


Kimberly Dilts


Auld Lang Syne
On New Year's Eve, married couple and theatre artists Steven and Vanessa, host an annual get-together at their parents' cabin for their oldest friends, struggling actress Sadie and her new surfer/rock star boyfriend Jude, Bryce a repressed accountant, and Jodie, a world-weary photojournalist.
Auld Lang Syne
On New Year's Eve, married couple and theatre artists Steven and Vanessa, host an annual get-together at their parents' cabin for their oldest friends, struggling actress Sadie and her new surfer/rock star boyfriend Jude, Bryce a repressed accountant, and Jodie, a world-weary photojournalist.
Auld Lang Syne
On New Year's Eve, married couple and theatre artists Steven and Vanessa, host an annual get-together at their parents' cabin for their oldest friends, struggling actress Sadie and her new surfer/rock star boyfriend Jude, Bryce a repressed accountant, and Jodie, a world-weary photojournalist.
Yuki (voice)
500年に及ぶ鎖国政策が続けられているその国 建御雷家の末裔である若く美しい娘・雪は、あらゆる感情を抑圧し、冷徹に人を殺す刺客として育てられてきた。ある日、空暇と名乗る老人から雪の母・亞空を殺した人物が建御雷家の首領・白雷だと知らされ、反旗を翻す。ところが、返り討ちに合い重傷を負った彼女は、反政府組織の活動家である隆に助けられ、彼との生活の中で、次第に人間らしい感情を取り戻していく。しかし、執拗な追手はすぐそこまで迫っていた。白雷と壮絶な戦いの中、翻弄される雪の運命は――。