Heikki Timonen


Cracking Sound
Director of Photography
Hanna Kaihlanen’s vision discovers a fantastic dimension that intersects with the real within the bleak Nordic landscape of Finland, and her expressive editing often loses track of the distinction between the two. The film is inspired by ecological issues and questions humanity’s claims to control and overcome nature: the director follows the chaotic logic of wildlife, like the film’s subject who tracks wild elk.
Dr. Professor's Thesis of Evil
Captain Swastika
Dr. Professor is the most powerful supervillain of his time. However, Dr Professor has lost his interest for his life’s work. A career, that arose from love of destruction, fear and violence has turned into a marketing circus. Dr. Professor has become a prisoner of his own fame and status as an adored supervillain. His public relations machinery, that used to serve him, has become his master. And he’s not pleased.