Amaury Duquenne


A Silence
First Assistant Camera
Astrid, the wife of a renowned lawyer, has been silenced for 25 years. Her family's equilibrium suddenly collapses when her children start looking for justice.
First Assistant "A" Camera
An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.
First Assistant Camera
 「息子のまなざし」「サンドラの週末」のジャン=ピエール&リュック・ダルデンヌ監督が、一人の身元不明少女の死の真相を探る若い女医を主人公に描くヒューマン・サスペンス。少女の死に責任を感じ、その足取りを辿る中で自らも思いも寄らぬ危険に巻き込まれていくヒロインの運命を、現代の様々な社会問題を背景にスリリングに描き出す。主演は「水の中のつぼみ」「メゾン ある娼館の記憶」のアデル・エネル。  有能な若き女医ジェニー。今は小さな診療所勤めだが、間もなく大きな病院へ好待遇で迎えられる予定。ある晩、診療所の呼び鈴が鳴るが、診察時間は過ぎているからと、研修医ジュリアンがドアを開けようとするのを引き止める。翌日、警察が来て、近くで身元不明の少女の遺体が見つかったと知るジェニー。昨晩の監視カメラには、呼び鈴を鳴らす少女の姿が映っていた。あの時、ちゃんと出ていれば少女は死ななかった、と自分を責めるジェニー。罪悪感から携帯にコピーした少女の写真を手に、名前も分からない彼女の身元を突き止めるべく自ら聞き込みを始めるが…。
The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun
Assistant Camera
She’s the most beautiful, most short-sighted, most sentimental, most perplexing, most obstinate, most untrustworthy and most troubling of heroines. The lady in the car has never seen the sea. On the run from the police, she keeps telling herself that she’s not crazy… Only...
Assistant Camera
We are with Pasolini during the last hours of his life, as he talks with his beloved family and friends, writes, gives a brutally honest interview, shares a meal with Ninetto Davoli, and cruises for the roughest rough trade in his gun-metal gray Alfa Romeo. Over the course of the action, Pasolini’s life and his art (represented by scenes from his films, his novel-in-progress Petrolio, and his projected film Porno-Teo-Kolossal) are constantly refracted and intermingled to the point where they become one.
Clapper Loader
Narrowly avoiding jail, new dad Robbie vows to turn over a new leaf. A visit to a whisky distillery inspires him and his mates to seek a way out of their hopeless lives.
Route Irish
Second Assistant Camera
A private security contractor in Iraq rejects the official explanation of his friend's death and decides to investigate.
Looking for Eric
Clapper Loader
A man trying to put his life back on track gets some advice from an unexpected benefactor -- the ex-footballer Eric Cantona.
Des sables dessinés
God's Spy
First Assistant "B" Camera