Takeshi Yabuuchi


眠狂四郎 卍斬り
Getting an opportunity to meet with another half-Caucasian swordsman, Kyoshiro finds himself involved in a series of dangerous encounters.
女左膳 濡れ燕片手斬り
As a child, Okin the one-armed one-eyed swordswoman was disfigured by Lord Daizen-dayu, who was after her family's most treasured possession, the famed Drenched Swallow sword. As an adult, she has become a skilled swordswoman and lives a carefree life with her adopted family. One day, Okin saves a girl from a group of yakuza, and in doing so, gets involved in a grand conspiracy involving religious leaders, government officials, the yakuza and Lord Daizen-dayu, the man who killed her father and mutilated her body...
Zatoichi is forced to kill a young man who owes a debt to a yakuza boss. Moments later, his sister Osode arrives with the money she earned (prostituting herself) to pay his debts. The bosses true motives are revealed and he attempts to steal Osode even though the debt is paid. Zatoichi realizes his grievous error and protects the girl from the gang. Osode and Zatoichi are caught in a dilemma as she must rely on her brother's killer for protection and Zatoichi wrestles with the injustice he has caused.
The film portrays a satirical view of today's heartless money-oriented society.
The first film in the 2 part series about Ryuzen, a renegade martial-arts priest who, in addition to breaking all the commandments against sex and gambling, opens his own gambling den in direct defiance of the local yakuza boss. Exciting action and a twisty plot this movie breaks new barriers in Japanese cinema. Katsu Shintaro is superb in one of his better non-Zato Ichi roles as he fights off the advances of a love-lorn woman and risks his life to defeat the powerful gambling boss who has a stranglehold on the town.
When a local gambling house kidnaps some peasants because they failed to pay their debts, a rival gambling house pays their debts and sets them free.
Film by director Kenji Misumi
Based on a novel by Tsutomu Mizukami, this haunting melodrama focuses on a young bamboo worker who takes his father's prostitute as his wife.
三上於菟吉の同名時代小説を、伊藤大輔と衣笠貞之助が脚色、和田夏十がシナリオ化し、市川崑がメガホンをとった。1935年版に主演した長谷川一夫が、再び中村雪之丞と闇太郎の二役を演じた。その他、山本富士子や若尾文子、市川雷蔵、勝新太郎など豪華な出演者が顔をそろえた。長谷川一夫300本記念作品。  江戸で興行を張る上方歌舞伎の女形役者・中村雪之丞は、父を冤罪で陥れ自死に至らしめた土部三斎と広海屋の姿を認めた。三斎の娘の浪路は雪之丞に恋をし、雪之丞は彼女を利用して父の仇を討とうとする。江戸の飢饉に乗じて米を買い占めていた川口屋は、雪之丞にそそのかされた広海屋に邪魔され破産、広海屋に放火した。怒った広海屋は川口屋を絞め殺すが、誘拐しようとした浪路に刺されてしまう。
Kuwajirô Ôishi
As winds of change sweep Japan, an honest man joins the Shinsenhumi out of admiration for its leader and because he wants to live and die as a samurai. However, as his involvement grows, reality and idealism come into deadly conflict.
Returning to the village where a year before he had killed Hirate, a much-admired opponent, Zatoichi encounters another swordsman and former rival in love.