Yukari Mizumachi


The film portrays a satirical view of today's heartless money-oriented society.
One of the nuns at Senjuan is Sister Shunko (Michiyo Yasuda). Unlike the usual nun, however, she often goes out to see the world, being of the opinion that nuns should not lead cloistered lives but should see something of modern life. She makes the acquaintance of a young girl named lkuko (Kayo Mikimoto) and saves her from the advances of a gangster named Goro (lchiro Nakatani). In the meantime she turns down several propositions and, in revenge, one of her admirers denounces her to the Mother Superior (Kuniko Miyake). This lady is of liberal views, however, and refuses to do anything about it. Then Shunko is visited by Goro's gang boss who wants lkuko back and says he will blackmail Shunko unless she agrees.
白い素肌に赤いバラ! ギターに秘めた両刃のナイフ! 港々の盛り場で派手に売り出す女三匹! 神崎みな子は、縄張り争いから姿を隠した兄の行方を追って、同僚の白浜たまき、藤川よし枝と関西の港町までやってきた。 ところが、このあたりを牛耳る畑中一家は、彼女たちを自分の経営するクラブの専属にしようと、事あるごとに流しの邪魔立てをした。 業を煮やしたみな子は、畑中一家の若親分・吉蔵を訪ね、ダイスでその決着をつけることになるのだが……。
Yoshida-ya's Maid
Zatoichi runs afoul of some evil fugitives, working for a corrupt law official.