Carlo Ferreri

Carlo Ferreri


Carlo Ferreri


シチリアーノ 裏切りの美学
Bona's Attorney
1980年代初頭、シチリアではマフィアの全面戦争が激化していた。パレルモ派の大物ブシェッタは抗争の仲裁に失敗しブラジルに逃れるが、残された家族や仲間達はコルレオーネ派の報復によって次々と抹殺されていった。ブラジルで逮捕されイタリアに引き渡されたブシェッタは、マフィア撲滅に執念を燃やすファルコーネ判事から捜査への協力を求められる。麻薬と殺人に明け暮れ堕落した犯罪組織コーザ・ノストラに失望していたブシェッタは、固い信頼関係で結ばれたファルコーネに組織の罪を告白する決意をするが、それはコーザ・ノストラの ”血の掟” に背く行為だった……。仁義なき抗争の果てに、名誉ある男の美学を貫こうとブシェッタが下した決断とは−−。
La mossa del cavallo
Brigadiere CC Purpura
Montelusa, Sicily, Italy, 1877. Giovanni Bovara, the new chief inspector of the mills, is charged with collecting a severe tax. Sicilian by birth, but Ligurian by adoption, he reasons and speaks as a man of northern Italy and does not understand the dynamics of the law of silence that regulate the Sicilian land, so his intransigence immediately gives him several enemies…
Mauro is Busy
Mauro is 33 years old and has two graduate degrees, but lives with his parents and can't find a job to save his life...or his sanity. As Mauro begins to inexplicably go off the deep end, he begins self-sabotaging his dates and his job interviews, terrorizing the family maid and making his mother and father wonder what they did to deserve a son like this. Will poor Mauro ever regain his sanity?
Ogni lasciato è perso
Piero C, a successful Turin television host, is dumped by his girlfriend, Beatrice; the abandonment left him in a state of deep depression. to the point he considers to end it all and leave his job. But his friends will try to make him recover through a series of bizarre experiences.