Shirley Crawford


The Shadow
Based on the 1930's comic strip, puts the hero up against his arch enemy, Shiwan Khan, who plans to take over the world by holding a city to ransom using an atom bomb. Using his powers of invisibility and "The power to cloud men's minds", the Shadow comes blazing to the city's rescue with explosive results.
ヒット・メーカー、ロバート・ゼメキス監督による、SFX満載の超娯楽作! アカデミー賞女優、メリル・ストリープとゴールディ・ホーンが、どん欲で虚栄心の強い、セクシーでふしだらな熟女を熱演。この2人の女たちの間で翻弄される中年男アーネスト役にブルース・ウィリス。イザベラ・ロッセリーニ演じる魅惑的な謎の美女がマデリーン(メリル・ストリープ)とヘレン(ゴールディ・ホーン)に差し出した液体は、なんと若く美しいまま永遠に生き続けられるという念願の秘薬だった! 最先端の特撮技術を駆使した究極のブラック・コメディ決定版!!
Zorro, The Gay Blade
George Hamilton stars in a dueling dual role as twin sons of the legendary Zorro. Soon after the dashing Don Diego Vega inherits his father's famous sword and costume, a broken ankle prevents the masked avenger from fulfilling his heroic duties. When his flamboyantly fashion-conscious brother assumes the secret identity to continue an ongoing fight for justice, the results are nothing short of hilarious!
The behind-the-scenes intrigues — including, possibly, a murder — of an all-star fundraising telethon set in Las Vegas.
The Spell
A distraught mother must cope with her embittered daughter who has the ability to cause "accidents" to happen.