Roberto Salemi

Roberto Salemi


Roberto Salemi


June 1982, Sicily. While Italians dream of winning the World Cup, two adolescents dream of living their love story without fear. Gianni, 17, is bullied because of his homosexuality but his life changes when he meets by accident Nino, 16, a captivating and innocent boy. The profound friendship they develop will without embarrassment turn into love, as they start working together for Nino’s father, shooting fireworks. When their bond is discovered by their families, the consequences are as violent as the times and mores are conservative. The two teenagers are separated by force but ready to challenge everything and everyone, convinced their love can defeat death.
Marius and Kitty have been living in Italy for some time now, where they managed to get their hands on a vineyard in Tuscany. Marius has improved his life, so Hugo leaves in good spirits to drop off his daughter Suus with best friend Chrissie for a long-awaited reunion. But something is wrong with the purchase of the vineyard.
La mossa del cavallo
Judge Pintacuda
Montelusa, Sicily, Italy, 1877. Giovanni Bovara, the new chief inspector of the mills, is charged with collecting a severe tax. Sicilian by birth, but Ligurian by adoption, he reasons and speaks as a man of northern Italy and does not understand the dynamics of the law of silence that regulate the Sicilian land, so his intransigence immediately gives him several enemies…
capo della Cgil
イタリアのシチリア州バーリアで、ペッピーノは牛飼いの次男としてすくすくと育つ。ファシズムの支配も終わり、第2次世界大戦を経て共和国へと移行したころ、ペッピーノ(フランチェスコ・シャンナ)はマンニーナ(マルガレット・マデ)と恋に落ちる。だが、彼女の家族は貧しい彼との交際を許さず……。 『題名のない子守唄』などの巨匠、ジュゼッペ・トルナトーレ監督が故郷シチリアを舞台に描く壮大な人生賛歌。トルナトーレ監督自らの半生を基に、1930年代から1980年代にかけてのある家族の喜怒哀楽を生き生きと映し出す。主役を務めるのは、期待の新星フランチェスコ・シャンナ。トップモデルとして活躍するマルガレット・マデがその妻役で出演を飾る。3世代にわたる一家の物語や、たくましく生きるシチリアの人々の生命力に驚嘆する。
Miracolo a Palermo!
One day in Palermo and in the life of young boy Toto who is madly in love with the beautiful teenager Lina.