Ragnar Sörman


Adam in Sweden
Rikard Adamsson, a young man dreaming of becoming a writer, lives a wild and dissolute bohemian life. A ferocious fighter with a heart of gold and a great taste for women. In the military service he gets in trouble, runs away, returns and is sentenced to prison. Inside he finishes his first novel. However, no publisher is interested.
The Marriage Wrestler
Stockholm 1912. Site for the Olympic Games. Love entanglements and eroticism at hotel Eros.
Wild West Story
Swedish cowboys in the Wild West. Defending their town Small Lands Hills and their mining claims against bandits of all sorts.
My Love Is Like a Rose
A middle aged doctor begins a relationship with a teenage girl. His best friend is dating the girls mother. A group of boys plan to blackmail the doctor or expose him as a pedophile.
Flagellant (uncredited)
ペストが流行し終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパ、10年に及ぶ十字軍遠征から帰還し疲弊し切った騎士アントーニウス(マックス・フォン・シドー)の前に死神(ベント・エーケロート)が出現する。死の宣告を悟った彼は、自らの命を懸けチェス対決を申し出るが、夜が明け死神は姿を消す。故郷を目指すアントーニウスの旅には常に死の気配がつきまとい、残酷な現実が待ち受けていた……。 名だたる映画作家たちに多大な影響を与え続けるスウェーデンの巨匠イングマール・ベルイマンが、人間の生と死、神の存在をテーマにした異色作。終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパを舞台に、十字軍遠征から帰還し生きる意味や信仰に懐疑的になり、死神にとりつかれた騎士の姿を幻想的な映像で描く。
The Staffan Stolle Story
Staffan Stolle becomes the sole heir to a rich and noble family when he is just a little boy. Early on he is engaged to be married to a girl he finds he does not love. Instead he flees the country only to return under a false name, looking for true love.
Blue sea
Lieutenants Johnny Waller and Ingvar Lund have been appointed captains of two torpedo boats.