Emma King

Emma King


Emma King


Fame seeking YouTubers find themselves in a paranormal nightmare when the advert team they are attempting to steal from awakens a druid demon from the past.
Joseph Knight
An African man is brought to Scotland as a slave by plantation owner John Wedderburn, to serve in his Perthshire mansion.
The Isle
1840 and another ship crashes on the rocks of an almost deserted island in Scotland. Three sailors survive the wreck and make it to shore where the few locals take them in as they wait for the mainland boat to come for them. But the sailors' survival story has only just started as they uncover the strange past of the once vibrant island.
スコットランド沖のフラナン諸島。絶海に浮かぶ無人島アイリーン・モア島に、3人の灯台守がやって来る。これから6週間、寒風吹き荒ぶこの島で灯台をともし続けるのが彼らの仕事だ。メンバーは、灯台守を25年続けているベテランのトマス、短気で粗暴な大男のジェームズ、まだ新米の若者ドナルド。 3人の静かで退屈な日々は、嵐の夜の翌朝、破られることになる。ドナルドが、流れ着いたボートと漂流者を発見。崖下に降り、ボートに積まれていた木箱を引き上げようとしていると、死んでいると思っていた漂流者が突然襲いかかってくる。身を護るため必死で抵抗したドナルドは、逆に漂流者を殺してしまった。そして木箱を開けてみると、中には金塊がぎっしりと詰められていたのだ。 思わぬ成り行きに動揺する3人の脳裏に、ドス黒い欲望が沸き上がってくる。死体を処分して、何も無かったことにすれば、金塊は自分たちの物になる……。だが3人のそんな想いをあざ笑うように、島にロックとボラという男たちが現れる。あの漂流者と木箱を探していた2人は、トマスたちの嘘を見破り、凶暴な正体をむき出しにする。血みどろの戦いの果て、気がつくと3人の前には、ロックたちの死体が転がっていた……。 死体を海に捨て、すべては片付いたはずだった。だが、誰もが罪の意識に怯え、男たちの精神状態は限界に達してゆく。幻覚に追い立てられ、狂ったように暴れるジェームズ。疑心暗鬼は深まり、仲間だった3人は敵同士となり、自分だけが助かろうとあがきはじめる。そして遂に、破滅の時は訪れた……。
CBeebies Presents: The Tempest
A magical island, a stormy shipwreck and a royal mystery!
RSC Live: Henry IV Part 2
Doll Tearsheet
King Henry's health is failing as a second rebellion against his reign threatens to surface. Intent on securing his legacy, he is uncertain that his son Hal is a worthy heir, believing him more concerned with earthly pleasures than the responsibility of rule. Sir John Falstaff is sent to the country side to recruit fresh troops. Amongst the unwitting locals opportunities for embezzlement and profiteering prove impossible to resist - as the king's health continues to worsen, Hal must choose between duty, and loyalty to an old friend.
Two Down
After surviving an explosion in Iraq, Mr. Thomas leaves the infuriating desk job the army had created for him and enters the underground world of the contract killer. His brother, Sam, had been caught selling on army secrets to the highest bidder and is now working for the illusive Harry Montagu. They use Mr. Thomas as a very effective way of eliminating problems they encounter in their business. That is until Mr. Thomas begins to question whom these problems are that he is removing, and why they deserve this fate.
Miss in Her Teens
An adaptation of David Garrick's 1747 afterpiece, this lighthearted comedy follows Miss Biddy Bellair as she pits her suitors against eachother in order to find true love.