Jean-François Roqueplo


Well Done
Key Grip
You Will Not Have My Hate
Key Grip
The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrorist attack on the Paris "Bataclan". In a moving Facebook post, he counters the assassins' hatred with his love for his almost three-year-old son. And yet he seems to lose his footing in his grief.
Key Grip
On the night of the strangest wedding in cinema history, a grotesque gang boss hires a stonecold killer to bring him the finger of a fading, drug-addicted jazz legend.
The Musketeer
Best Boy Grip
Young D'Artagnan seeks to join the legendary musketeer brigade and avenge his father's death - but he finds that the musketeers have been disbanded.
Wing Commander
Key Grip
The Hollywood version of the popular video game series "Wing Commander". Unlike other video games to feature film transitions, series creator Chris Roberts was heavily involved in the film's creation. This is the story of Christopher Blair and Todd "Maniac" Marshall as they arrive at the Tiger Claw and are soon forced to stop a Kilrathi fleet heading towards Earth.
Two young men have left their obscure Balkan country to earn some money as "guest workers" in western Europe. On their way back home, they attempt to change trains in Paris but encounter surprising difficulties from the ticket authorities there. It seems that political changes have rendered their homeland nonexistent, and their passports are no good. Before long, they are stranded in Paris without passports, without a country, and soon even their luggage is stolen. Their fumbling efforts to straighten out the mess result in the French press getting into the act, labeling them as Russian spies. The Parisian expatriate community takes them into its bosom, and romance blooms between one of the lads and a Spanish hatmaker, before they finally achieve a (highly improbable) solution for their difficulties.