Dane Picard


Compositing Artist
Is there room for principle in Los Angeles? Mike Terry teaches jujitsu and barely makes ends meet. His Brazilian wife, whose family promotes fights, wants to see Mike in the ring making money, but to him competition is degrading. A woman sideswipes Mike's car and then, after an odd sequence of events, shoots out the studio's window. Later that evening, Mike rescues an action movie star in a fistfight at a bar. In return, the actor befriends Mike, gives him a gift, offers him work on his newest film, and introduces Mike's wife to his own - the women initiate business dealings. Then, things go sour all at once, Mike's debts mount, and going into the ring may be his only option.
3D Artist
Wing Commander
Visual Effects Technical Director
The Hollywood version of the popular video game series "Wing Commander". Unlike other video games to feature film transitions, series creator Chris Roberts was heavily involved in the film's creation. This is the story of Christopher Blair and Todd "Maniac" Marshall as they arrive at the Tiger Claw and are soon forced to stop a Kilrathi fleet heading towards Earth.
Visual Effects Technical Director
ハリーは妻と娘との3人暮らしを送るコンピューターセールスマン。だが、彼の本当の姿は、大統領直属の国家保安組織「オメガ・セクター」所属のスパイだった。 ある日、妻の浮気を疑ったハリーは、組織の力を使って捜査を開始。誤解と判明したものの、妻が抱く平凡な日常への不満を知り、彼女にスパイの任務を疑似体験させるハリー。ところがそこへイスラム過激派のテロリスト「真紅のジハード」一味が乱入、夫妻は捕らえられ、娘も巻き込まれた。国家と家族の危機にハリーが奮闘する。a
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are George
Prince Hamlet and the King are both George Jetson.