NYでラジオジャーナリストとして1人で暮らすジョニーは、妹から頼まれ、9歳の甥・ジェシーの面倒を数日間みることに。LAの妹の家で突然始まった共同生活は、戸惑いの連続。好奇心旺盛なジェシーは、ジョニーのぎこちない兄妹関係やいまだ 独身でいる理由、自分の父親の病気に関する疑問をストレートに投げかけ、ジョニーを困らせる一方で、ジョニーの仕事や録 音機材に興味を示し、二人は次第に距離を縮めていく。仕事のため NYに戻ることになったジョニーは、ジェシーを連れて行く ことを決めるが...
Three young women were sentenced to death in the infamous Manson murder case, but when the death penalty was lifted, their sentence became life imprisonment. One young graduate student was sent in to teach them - and through her we witness their transformations as they face the reality of their horrific crimes.
Chief Lighting Technician
A down-on-his-luck man discovers that his new apartment is inhabited by a self-absorbed ghost.
A small group of Native Americans struggle to survive in a bleak and unrelenting apocalypse brought about by global warming.
Clarice & Benny are two robbers down on their luck that hear of a house that will be vacant over Christmas. Santa is trying to get ahead of the curb this Christmas by hitting a few houses early which proves to be challenging ending with him meeting up with Clarice and Benny. Santa must rely on his friends who have faith in the holiday spirit to save him before Christmas ends.