Craig Sullivan


Key Grip
Key Grip
厳寒の大自然に囲まれたアメリカ中西部ワイオミング州にあるネイティブアメリカンの保留地“ウインド・リバー”で見つかった少女の凍死体―。遺体の第一発見者であり地元のベテランハンターのコリー・ランバート(ジェレミー・レナー)は案内役として、単身派遣された新人FBI捜査官ジェーン・バナー(エリザベス・オルセン)の捜査に協力することに。 ジェーンは慣れない雪山の不安定な気候や隔離されたこの地で多くが未解決事件となる現状を思い知るも、 不審な死の糸口を掴んだコリーと共に捜査を続行する...。
Code of Honor
Key Grip
Colonel Robert Sikes is on a mission to rid his city of crime. As a stealthy, one-man assault team, he will take on street gangs, mobsters, and politicians with extreme prejudice until his mission is complete. His former protégé, William Porter, teams up with the local police department to bring his former commander to justice and prevent him from further vigilantism.
Camera Operator
95ers: Time Runners
Time is unraveling, paradoxes are everywhere, and strangers with terrifying technologies are on the hunt. A thrilling, original, ultra indie full-length sci-fi movie that is the story of Sally Biggs, an FBI agent who has the power to rewind time. Her scientist husband has disappeared mysteriously, and the closer she gets to finding him, the more dangerous her life becomes. To save the future and her loved ones, Sally must enter a battlefield she never knew existed. Fortunately, she's a 95er. Surrounded by bizarre timespace paradoxes and hunted by terrifying forces from the future, Sally must discover the earth-shattering truth behind it all before her very being fades out of reality.
Key Grip
In the desert area of Hat Creek, cows are found partially devoured and the farmers believe that a wolf is attacking the cattle. The alcoholic Sheriff Annie Flynn is called by the local farmer Rob Horn to witness the remains of an animal to request reimbursement from the government and for an accident with a tank truck that is blocking the road.