Brigid Zengeni


Shiloh (voice)
A disgraced journalist turns to podcasting to salvage her career, before uncovering a strange artifact that she believes is evidence of an alien conspiracy.
グッドライアー 偽りのゲーム
ベテラン詐欺師のロイ(イアン・マッケラン)が出会い系サイトで狙いを定めたのは、夫を亡くしてまもない資産家ベティ(ヘレン・ミレン)。全財産を騙し取ろうと策略をめぐらす非情なロイを、世間知らずのベティは徐々に信用するようになる。しかし、単純な詐欺だったはずが、物語は思いがけない事態へ発展していく―。 暴かれるのは、人間誰しもが抱えて生きていかねばならない秘密と嘘。偽りに満ちた人生の奥底にある真実とはー。英国が誇る両名優がぶつかり合う、至高のライアーゲームが今はじまる。
National Theatre Live: I’m Not Running
Nerena Trent
I’m Not Running is an explosive new play by David Hare, premiering at the National Theatre and broadcast live to cinemas. Pauline Gibson has spent her life as a doctor, the inspiring leader of a local health campaign. When she crosses paths with her old boyfriend, a stalwart loyalist in Labour Party politics, she’s faced with an agonising decision. What’s involved in sacrificing your private life and your piece of mind for something more than a single issue? Does she dare?
The Greatest Store in the World
Housing Assistant
Geraldine and her two daughters, Livvie and Angeline, are living rough on the streets on London. When their van blows up, they must find an alternative place to stay. At first, they live in temporary housing, but the conditions are unbearable. Geraldine reacts quickly and the family decides to take up residence in Scottley's, the best department store in London. They must keep it a secret from doorman Brian (whom the girls call Mr. Whiskers), and a couple of bumbling thieves who want to rob the store safe of its jewels.