Randy Tambling


Key Grip
A group of teenagers fear for their lives in the swamps of Louisiana, chased by Mr. Jangles, a man possessed by 13 evil souls, and now relentless in his pursuit of new victims.
ウェス・クレイヴン's カースド
Key Grip
In Los Angeles, siblings Ellie and Jimmy come across an accident on Mulholland Drive. As they try to help the woman caught in the wreckage, a ferocious creature attacks them, devouring the woman and scratching the terrified siblings. They slowly discover that the creature was a werewolf and that they have fallen victim to a deadly curse.
Key Grip
開拓時代の西部を舞台に、誘拐された中国のプリンセスを救うため、J・チェン演じる近衛兵とO・ウィルソン演じるガンマンのコンビが活躍するアクション・アドベンチャー。 1881年、中国・紫禁城からペペ姫が誘拐された。犯人は身代金として金貨10万枚、人質との交換場所をアメリカ・ネヴァダ州カーソン・シティと要求してきた。だが身代金を運ぶためアメリカへ渡った一行は、列車強盗に遭遇。カバン持ちチョン・ウェンは仲間とはぐれるが、荒野の果てで出会ったのは仲間から見放され砂漠に埋められていた列車強盗団のボス、ロイ・オバノンだった。やがて意気投合した二人は、協力してペペ姫を救出しようとする。
Half Baked
Key Grip
Three lovable party buds try to bail their friend out of jail. But just when the guys have mastered a plan, everything comes dangerously close to going up in smoke.
Murder at 1600
Key Grip
A secretary is found dead in a White House bathroom during an international crisis, and Detective Harlan Regis is in charge of the investigation. Despite resistance from the Secret Service, Regis partners with agent Nina Chance. As political tensions rise, they learn that the crime could be part of an elaborate cover-up. Framed as traitors, the pair, plus Regis' partner, break into the White House in order to expose the true culprit.
Empire Records
Key Grip
The employees of an independent music store learn about each other as they try anything to stop the store being absorbed by a large chain.
Trapped in Paradise
Key Grip
Residents of a friendly Pennsylvania town foil three brothers' plan to rob a bank on Christmas Eve.
Key Grip