Makeup Artist
とある“壁ドン”映画の撮影現場で、監督やスタッフからこき使われる、助監督・黒澤明 名前だけは”巨匠”で“一流”だが、断れない性格で要領の悪い、B級ホラーを愛するただの気弱な映画オタク。 いつか自分が監督として撮ることを夢見て、書き温めていた脚本「ゴーストマスター」が心の支えで、常に肌身離さずに持ち歩いていた。 しかし、あまりに過酷すぎる撮影現場でうっ積した黒澤の不満と怨念のような映画愛が、この“脚本”に悪霊を宿し、撮影現場を阿鼻叫喚の地獄へと変えていく。
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Noboru runs a real-estate agency in a provicial Hokkaido mountain town. He is despised by the locals for his aggressive business practices. His daughter, Nana—a high school senior—bears the brunt of their anger; and yet, she resolves to stay after graduation, even though her father wants her to leave with him for Tokyo.
Noboru runs a real-estate agency in a provicial Hokkaido mountain town. He is despised by the locals for his aggressive business practices. His daughter, Nana—a high school senior—bears the brunt of their anger; and yet, she resolves to stay after graduation, even though her father wants her to leave with him for Tokyo.
Makeup Artist
Kazuya Naruse, an obedient programer falls for a girl "Rumi", whom he gets to know through chat rooms. Naruse lost himself in this love, as if he lives in another world. Rumi has a mentally ill husband. Spending time with these two, the illusion of love in Naruse gradually changes to uneasiness and insanity.