André Poirier


La Crue
« Les Oreilles » mène l'enquête
Short fictional film recounting the adventures of a gang of young boys with more than one trick up their sleeve. Together, they plan bad things to raise enough money to buy their dream radio station. To make matters worse, they have part of their nest egg stolen, although it is well hidden in a cabin. An investigation will follow to find the culprit of the "crime". Will they get their money back?
Gaston's Recital
This short fiction film about a young boy torn between conflicting loyalties is resolved with humour and wisdom. Sunday, 2 o'clock, is zero hour for Gaston. He must be in two places at once: performing at a music recital and playing hockey with his teammates. What is Gaston to do?
Le grand sabordage
Two youngsters, a boy and girl barely into their teens, set up housekeeping together after dropping out of school. They have very little money and end up living in a rooming house. They spend their time playing, coming up with slogans, and writing them on available walls. Their relationship is mostly fraternal, so the boy doesn't understand the girl's jealousy when he begins receiving attention from an older woman. When the girl undertakes drastic measures, he begins to understand. This Canadian film is in French, with a French director.