Alexandre Nahon


Burning Shadow
Charlie, a down-on-his-luck loner, crosses paths with a blind homeless man who is his exact double. Perplexed and intrigued by the discovery, Charlie invites the man into his life.
Burning Shadow
Charlie, a down-on-his-luck loner, crosses paths with a blind homeless man who is his exact double. Perplexed and intrigued by the discovery, Charlie invites the man into his life.
Burning Shadow
Charlie, a down-on-his-luck loner, crosses paths with a blind homeless man who is his exact double. Perplexed and intrigued by the discovery, Charlie invites the man into his life.
The Passenger
The Waiter
Driving through the desert en route to San Francisco, Sebastian has a chance encounter with Helena, a mysterious and attractive hitchhiker. Together they embark on a journey to the unknown, testing the boundaries of reality along the way.
Marion and Mingus both come from failed relationships but, by bringing their children together, they've managed to form a small yet happy family. Tensions in their household soon begin to spike when Marion's jovial father shows up on their doorstep with his randy daughter and her peculiar boyfriend in tow. As the motor-mouthed houseguests shatter every taboo imaginable, the happy couple begin to question their commitment.
フランス人フォトグラファー、マリオンと、アメリカ人インテリアデザイナー、ジャックは、付き合って2年になるニューヨーク在住のカップル。イマイチ盛り上がりに欠けたベネチアでのバカンスの後、立ち寄ったのは、彼女の生まれ故郷である、恋人たちの都・パリ。この町で過ごす2日間に期待をかけるふたりだが、雲行きは怪しい…。  マリオンの両親に会ったジャックは、そのあまりの自由奔放っぷりに圧倒され、カルチャーショックを受ける。さらに街に出れば、次々とマリオンの元カレに遭遇。別れた後は二度と元カノに会わないタイプのジャックは、元カレと親しげに振る舞うマリオンの姿に、戸惑いを隠せない。嫉妬心と猜疑心にさいなまれた彼のイライラは募るばかりで、ふたりの関係もギクシャクし始めてしまう。果たして、ふたりは関係を修復することができるのか?それともこのまま別れてしまうのか?