時は江戸時代。城では若き徳川家光(望月歩)が「自分は将軍の器ではない。こんな窮屈な生活なら魚屋のほうがましだ」などと言い出し、問題となっていた…。そこで教育係の大久保彦左衛門(里見浩太朗)は一計を案じ、懇意にしていた町の魚屋・一心太助(高嶋政伸)とお仲(戸田菜穂)夫婦に家光を預け、身分を偽って修行させることにした。そ んな中、家光は医者を目指す町娘・お仙(葵わかな)と出会い、やがて恋に落ちるが…そんな中、次期将軍の座を巡る暗殺計画が持ち上がる!
2年前、ホテル「プラトン東京」から、ここ「プラトン ロイヤルホテル八ヶ岳」に総支配人として着任した東堂克生(内藤剛志)。お客様に最高の時間と空間を提供するため、スタッフとともに日々奮闘している。コンシェルジュの北山修二(東根作寿英)は、宿泊客パスカル・アンリ(Frederick Benoliel)と静子(いしのようこ)夫妻の恩人探しに奮闘。若手パティシェ・須藤義之(田中俊介)の作るスウィーツは宿泊客に好評で、人気作家・中上冬樹(デビット伊東)はそれを目当てに滞在するほどだ。須藤は、松岡みのり(山下リオ)との結婚も決まっており、ブライダル担当の山下みなみ(あめくみちこ)は、同僚の結婚式の準備に張り切っている。
Yutaro Naze
Takeo Akamatsu
Suzume Akamatsu works at a library in Uwajima, Ehime Prefecture. She delivers books by riding a bicycle. Through her work, Suzume grows as a person.
Policeman Saheiji
Bunsei era, at a time when Edo culture is at its peak, and barely 50 years before the arrival of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Sabu is a cheerful, honest young man who left his hometown with the dream of becoming a policeman. He is an informant to the policeman Saheiji of Asakusa in Edo and stays with him and his daughter Midori. One day, Sabu encounters the cool master swordsman Ichi, who makes a living giving massages, and they become partners in an unexpected way. Although Sabu is still an informant, he and the blind Ichi collaborate in a way that compensates for each other’s shortcomings. Sabu becomes Ichi’s eyes while Ichi becomes Sabu’s right-hand man and solves cases with his well-honed skills of deduction as they search for the truth in difficult cases in Edo. One case starts with the discovery of two dead bodies in the Sumida River. The bodies have diagonal slashes and were left in boxes.
Koichiro Iwase
テレビ朝日開局55周年記念、松本清張没後20年企画として、松本清張「十万分の一の偶然」「熱い空気」が 2週連続でドラマ化されます。
夜間の東名高速道路下り線・沼津インターチェンジ近くのカーブで、自動車が次々に大破・炎上する、玉突き衝突事故が発生した。アルミバン・トラックが急ブレーキをかけ、横転したことに始まったと推測されるも、事故直後の警察の現場検証では、ブレーキをかける原因となるような障害の痕跡は、まったく発見されなかった。 一方、大事故の瞬間を捉えた山鹿恭介の写真「激突」は、カメラの迫真力を発揮した作品として、A新聞社主催の「ニュース写真年間最高賞」を受賞、決定的瞬間の場面に撮影者が立ち会っていたことは奇蹟的、十万に一つの偶然と評された。 しかし、事故で婚約者・山内明子を喪った沼井正平は、状況に不審を抱き、調査を開始する。「十万分の一の偶然」は作られたものなのか。いったい、どのような方法で? 探索の末、「事故」の正体を突き止めたと思い、正平は行動に出るが…。
Yoshio Onodera (voice)
明治に建てられた高校の部室別館「カルチェラタン」。伝統ある館は老朽化から取り壊しが決まってしまう。愛着を持ち取り壊し撤回を目論む学生たちのリーダー的存在である新聞部 風間 俊と小松崎 海は出会い想いを寄せていくが、ひょんなことから二人は兄妹であることがわかってしまう。揺れ動く二人の成長と共に取り壊し騒動が進んでゆく中で、俊の意外な生い立ちが明らかになっていく。
Inspector Yazaki
A woman (Takako Tokiwa) risks her life to exact revenge for her murdered lover.
Kenichi Ozaki
The short life of singer-songwriter Ozaki Yutaka, who died suddenly in 1992 at the age of 26, will be dramatized for the first time on the TV Tokyo production, "Kaze no shounen ~ Ozaki Yutaka eien no densetsu".
長引く不況に対し、幕府では、若き勘定吟味役・風間右京乃助(小澤征悦)が敏腕をふるっていた。筆頭老中・沢木丹波守輔忠(津川雅彦)を後ろ盾に、江戸城の改築や橋の付け替えなどの取り止めを次々と決定し、幕府の財政を立て直そうというのだ。だが、この“事業仕分け”に、普請奉行の酒巻勘解由(本田博太郎)は反感を隠せない。贅沢三昧の暮らしを送る大奥のお年寄り・霧島(かたせ梨乃)にいたっては、小判を作って財政を立て直せなどという無茶な注文を言い出す始末だ。一方、町では、庶民たちが仕事を求めて口入屋に殺到する事態が起こっていた。仕事にありつけない人々は、自分たちの働き口を奪ったとして、右京乃助に恨みを募らせる。経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)も、右京乃助のせいで家族を失ったという少女から“仕事”を依頼された。ひそかに右京乃助の身辺を洗い始めた涼次は、異様な殺気を放つ坊主・童山(内藤剛志)に出会う。童山は右京乃助と関わりがあるようだが……。同じ頃、武士が殺されるという事件が相次いでいた。死体を見るかぎり、犯人はかなりの腕利きのようだ。南町奉行所見廻り同心・渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)は、しぶしぶ捜査に乗り出す。ところが、そんな小五郎に、こう(野際陽子)から驚きの知らせが。妻のふく(中越典子)が妊娠したというのだ! 仕事人という裏の顔を持つ自分が親になるという事実に小五郎は?そんな中、“仕事”を何者かに目撃されてしまい、対処に困った仕立て屋の匳(田中聖)は、中村主水(藤田まこと)に相談すべく、中村家を訪れる。そこには、偶然居合わせた小五郎と花御殿のお菊(和久井映見)の姿があったが、主水の姿は……。
Tomboy (voice)
Baton is a collection of three 20-minute Sci-fi anime films dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Yokohama city. On Planet Abel, human-like robot Apollo (Ichihara Hayato, Rookies) and robot-like human Mikaru (Ueto Aya, Azumi) come upon a stowaway robot with a mysterious "Cipher" chip. Not knowing Cipher's powers, Apollo takes the chip for fun, throwing both him and Mikaru headfirst into a mind-boggling mystery that affects the past, present, and future.
Genzo Yanagihara
Momoko (Yui Aragaki) is a quiet and lonely high school girl who's only passion is to cheer traditional cheer squad, but all she could gather were good for nothing guys, who could not find places in school. They start the cheer squad with a disaster, but when they finally find the true meaning of "cheering" someone, their passion becomes power and gives strength to those that are cheered.
Nobuaki Miyata
Remake of the 2005 South Korean movie "Marathon", this special is about an autistic boy guided by his mother and his coach in training for a marathon.
Priest Seinyo
Hazia Dealer (voice)
This new version of Nagasaki's Yami utsu shinzô (1982) is neither a remake nor a sequel. It is both those things, and at the same time it is also a documentary, a portrait of the consequences of passing time, and an occasionally very funny reflection on what the hell the point is of all this filmmaking business anyway. Shigeru Muroi and Takashi Naito, back then young hopefuls willing to take chances, now among the most established and recognisable actors in Japan, return to play the roles they assumed in the 1982 film, each of their characters having gone their own way. Alongside, another young couple (Honda and the ever-brilliant Eguchi) find themselves in the exact same situation as their older counterparts 25 years earlier. Their paths cross, an opportunity arises: for the elder two to redeem part of their own lives, for the younger couple to find a helping hand in their darkest hour.
Nobuyuki Kuninari
Detective Mimura was living peacefully with his loving wife and son when the latter two were killed in an explosion caused by a 14-year-old boy, Yuya. Four years later, when Yuya is released from juvenile detention centre, Mimura's feelings towards the boy have evolved from grief to outright hatred, and he must cope with the pain. Meanwhile, Yuya's father quits his job as a teacher and dedicates himself to compensate the victims and to take care of his son. While the adults are trying to come to terms with their disrupted lives, Yuya is about to test the law again...
Akio Ogino (voice)
Tsuyoshi Kenmochi
When the head of the touring magician's group "Magical Fantasy" is murdered on a train while on his way to Hokkaido, young Kindaichi, who also just happens to be on board, is fast on the case to find the culprit. But just as quickly as the case unfolds, the body disappears only to be rediscovered again, along with other new bodies.
Branik (voice)
Takuro Sugie
Kono Takeshi has given up work as an electrician to run a gift-shop business with his partner/mistress Rieko, who's a couple of years older than him. When the company faces bankruptcy Kono wants to quit, but Rieko strings him along with the promise of a large cash investment, the proceeds of a real-estate deal. Her actual plan to raise the money is to kidnap a young woman and demand a ransom for her release. The trouble is, it never occurs to her to keep the victim alive before trying to extort the cash. And when things start to go wrong, Rieko responds by murdering another girl and attempting another ransom scam..
Two childhood friends find themselves caught in the midst of an all-out turf war between rival factions in the yakuza-stained region of Kyushu.
The ambition of a man and a woman who try to steal 20 million dollars in an American military vault
Man with a Hat
The film begins with some Polaroids of a young boy and a young girl. A female voice over tells us who these people are...they are brother and sister, she is seven and he is eight. She goes on to say that when she was seven and he was eight, she told her brother that she would marry him.
After serving time for bank fraud, Kiriko now lives a quiet life as a taxi driver working night shifts... but her peace is shattered by a relentless stalker in a Land Cruiser.
Jubei is a Japanese merchant who learns tricks from Western merchants to get ahead in the game.
A Tokyo psychiatrist is hoping to better his career by marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. The match is threatened however when an attractive but very troubled tourist guide comes to him for consultation...
Kyutaro Wada
Set in the Taisho era, which might be regarded as Japan's Hippie Phase, Hana no ran is a story about fashionable people without impulse control. Much of the action centers on a popular woman writer, the real-life poet Akiko Yosano, and her experiences among the literati of early 20th century Japan. Because of her independent, anti-war and often erotic poetry, she was a lightning rod for revolutionaries and other extremists, many of whom were destined to glamorous, yet ultimately pointless, deaths. The closest parallels might be the Byron/Shelley group or the people drawn to the Beat Generation.
Four young high school students who dream of being in a rock band must deal with the unexpected deaths of their friends while making concert decisions.
In Young Lady Detectives, student girls Misao (Nishiwaki) and Harumi (Yuko Mizushima, who specializes in showcasing), stand up for the search engine to avoid getting a genuine profession. Surprisingly, the girls get a workday on the first day, when a man in the office asks them to look for his missing daughter. The task takes the deckers into the traces of criminals forced into sex slavery. The search for work is mostly on the shoulders of Misao, because sexually active Harumi consumes his time mainly in bed. Misao lacks the man’s experience completely.
Etsuko, a female college student, tries to beat the con artists at their own game after she gets scammed one after another.
Musashi Miyamoto
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
The culturally isolated, nomadic Seburi people of western Japan are the subject of this tragedy about a few of the community's members who especially experience difficulties as modern Japan encroaches on their world. The setting is World War II, and conflicts have already arisen when the military police come to take Seburi men away into the army. Still following their own customs that can be harsh at times, and are particularly cruel to women (women must give birth alone and unaided, a woman's adultery is punished by burying her up to her neck in the earth and then leaving her for days), the Seburi are mainly treated with fear and animosity by the non-Seburi townspeople of the region. Along with the hardships arising from cultural clashes, nature's own vagaries present other challenges to the Seburi -- who still lived in tents until the 1950s. Winter avalanches and snowstorms cause as much havoc as the tensions engendered by the slow encroachment of the modern world.
While attending a screening of his film at the London Film Festival, a Japanese man tries to track down a woman from his past after receiving a mysterious phone call.
Yûji / Kimiyo's Boyfriend
Masaaki Yano
Lieutenant Iwata
1942年、日本統治下にあるジャワ島レバクセンバタの日本軍俘虜収容所で朝鮮人軍属カネモトがオランダの男性兵デ・ヨンを犯す。日本語を解する俘虜(捕虜)の英国陸軍中佐ジョン・ロレンスは、ともに事件処理にあたった粗暴な軍曹ハラと奇妙な友情で結ばれていく。 一方、ハラの上司で所長の陸軍大尉ヨノイは、日本軍の背後に空挺降下し輸送隊を襲撃した末に俘虜となった陸軍少佐ジャック・セリアズを預かることになり、その反抗的な態度に悩まされながらも彼に魅せられてゆく。 同時にカネモトとデ・ヨンの事件処理と俘虜たちの情報を巡り、プライドに拘る空軍大佐の俘虜長ヒックスリーと衝突する。東洋と西洋の宗教観、道徳観、組織論が違う中、各人に運命から届けられたクリスマスの贈りものが待っていた。
Ryo once rode with a biker gang; ever since his friend Tetsuji died riding in September, he's retired from biking, trying to forget the past.
Film director Shunichi Nagasaki reflects on a near-fatal motorcycle accident that occurred while shooting his commercial feature debut The Lonely Hearts Club Band in September.
A boy and girl struggle to understand their place in 1980s Japan, retiring to copulate and probe each other for answers.
Roman Porno from 1982.
Naoko is getting a lot of obscene phone calls, so she decides to stay at her girlfriend Mari's home for awhile, afraid of a rape attack. But the telephone calls don't stop, and the mysterious pervert caller is bothering her there too. Naoko reluctantly agrees to meet meet him at a local restaurant, hoping the man will stop. When she arrives, Naoko is surprised to find the café is operated by Harada, a man whom she and Mari had liked so much in the past that, in fact, they had cat fights over him at their working places. It was due to a love triangle scuffle that they had been both fired from their previous jobs.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Tadashi Shibasaki
Naomi (Jun Izumi) and her business partner Tadashi run a neighborhood bar, sharing the profits, as well as each other. One evening, a yakuza gangster swaggers into the bar with a stack of money for Tadashi. he takes Naomi in an exchange. She is trained as a high-class hooker and is, seemingly, grateful for getting the opportunity to experience the joy of sex. However, appearances are deceiving. Secretly, Naomi is carrying grudge against the yakuza and she finally has the opportunity to take revenge.
The story revolves around Ogino, who is in the last year of his medical studies. Between lectures, exams, on field training, his commitment as a pro-reformist militant and his girlfriend, Ogino is starting to wonder if he's really cut out to be a doctor.
This is Yamakawa's first feature film in 16mm. A group of university students who grew up in an era of rapid economic growth yearn for "another side" of life as they face romantic conflicts and the suicide of a fellow student.
A journalist, his pyromaniac girlfriend, and an ex-baseball player team up to rip off a gangster, with violent consequences.
A female vocalist breaks with her manager and sets to work with an old man of his band. The involvement of the gay, Super8 addicted friend of the manager leads to increasingly high waves of frustration, treachery, humiliation and cruelty.