Colin Hanton


ザ・ビートルズのドキュメンタリー、それもリバプールの名も無きティーンエージャーが世界を席巻するスーパースターへと駆け上がっていった初期の姿にフォーカスする、興味深いドキュメンタリーをお届け。 ザ・ビートルズのメンバーが登場するのはもちろん、その前身バンドのクオーリーメンのメンバーや1962年にリンゴが加入する前のドラマーだったピート・ベスト、マネジメントの関係者、早くからザ・ビートルズを紹介した新聞「マージービート」のオーナー、若き日のジョンのルームメイトやジョンの最初の妻シンシアまでが登場。彼らの証言によって、学生バンドから始まり、デビュー前にライブを重ねたハンブルク時代、キャヴァーン・クラブでの日々などが明らかにされる。後にロック、ポップ・ミュージックを高いレベルにまで押し上げたビートルズの、いわば序章ともいえる若き日を知る貴重な番組となることだろう。
I Was There: When the Beatles Played the Cavern
I Was There…When the Beatles Played The Cavern tells the story of the underground venue which has become synonymous with one of the world’s greatest bands – The Beatles. The programme includes rare archive footage of the Cavern Club in the sixties, including film of The Beatles performing ‘Some Other Guy’ at the club. On 9 February 1961, having recently returned to Liverpool from performing in Hamburg, The Beatles played at The Cavern for the first of nearly 300 appearances at the club. By the time they played their last gig there, Beatlemania had swept Britain and the band was conquering the world.
The Quarrymen - The Band that started The Beatles
The pre-Beatles - The Quarrymen - Live in Dahme, baltic coast of Germany - detailed interviews - how the Beatles realy originated - the day John Lennon first met Paul McCartney - the first new Quarrymen-Single since 1958 - newly discovered fotos a.m.m...
Inside John Lennon - Unauthorized
Fueled by archival film clips and captivating anecdotes from friends and family, this unauthorized biography of John Lennon captures a lesser-known side of the Beatle who caused as much a stir with his personal causes as he did with his music. Highlights include rarely told stories about Lennon's upbringing from his half sister, Julia Baird, and tales from former members of Lennon's first band, the Quarrymen.
Pre Fab!
The incredible story of one man, his drums and a culture that gave birth to the biggest band the world has ever known.
Pre Fab!
The incredible story of one man, his drums and a culture that gave birth to the biggest band the world has ever known.