Yelena Stepanenko

Yelena Stepanenko

出生 : 1953-04-08, Stalingrad, RSFSR, USSR, [now Volgograd, Russia]


Yelena Stepanenko


Новогодний мюзикл "Морозко" создан по одноименной старой сказке! Мать юной Настеньки умерла, и девушка осталась с отцом, который вскоре женился на другой женщине. Мачеха оказалась злой и ворчливой женщиной, и заставляла Настеньку делать всю грязную работу по дому. А однажды рассердилась так, что велела мужу отвезти Настю в лес и оставить там замерзать. В лесу добрая девушка встретила Морозко, старый волшебник одарил девушку драгоценными подарками за ее ласку и приветливость...
A musical and somewhat updated version of the old "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish of Pushkin." The old man and the Old woman are touting the girl as husbands of the enviable groom of the “blah blah blah-city and gla-gla-gla-glamorous” handsome man. In order to please Maryushka, he arranges a real rout in a fashion boutique, choosing his outfits and driving madly unhappy saleswomen. Other grooms also marry to the beautiful Maryushka. But Maryushka love Ivanushka the fisherman and she will find her happiness only thanks to the Goldfish ...
Dora-Dora Pomidora
missis Boyl
The criminal history is inscribed in the everyday life of prosperous, apparently quite prosperous people. Suddenly, the truth is revealed, hidden for the time being under the guise of respectability. The past is returning, creating mysterious murders ...
Ничуть не страшно
Коля / Юра
Two little boys face a paranormal entity in the form of gnomik.
Once in the Morning
Narrator (voice)
One morning a small pretty duckling Krya-Krya went for a walk. He was still very stupid, but because he was friends only with his own shadow, he decided that no one needed him anymore. Humming a merry song, the duckling played with a ball, and it seemed to him that the shadow from the wall perfectly discards the ball. The chicken was so eager to play with the duckling too, but he roughly pushed him away. The same fate befell the sweet little goat. And then, having plenty of fun, the duckling ran through the meadow and accidentally fell into a deep dark pit. Oh God. It was so scary and damp, and most importantly, his best friend - a shadow was not going to help him out. It was simply not here.