Sian Reese-Williams

Sian Reese-Williams

出生 : 1981-11-18, Glanamman, Wales


Sian Reese-Williams


イギリスのホームレスたちのサッカーチームの物語。コーチのマル がチームを引き連れて、年に一度の世界的なサッカー大会" ホームレス・ワールドカップ"に出場するため、ロンドンからローマ へ向かう。土壇場で、チームは天才ストライカーのヴィニーを 連れていくことを決めるが、彼には解決しなければならない問 題があった。優勝と彼自身のために、まずヴィニーは、将来を 有望視されていた過去の自分と向き合う―。
Y Sŵn
Margaret Thatcher
In 1979, when Margaret Thatcher's first government breaks a promise to establish a Welsh language television channel, a wave of civil disobedience follows. One man - Gwynfor Evans - threatens to starve himself to death unless the government comes good on its manifesto pledge. The reimagining of one of the most colourful chapters in contemporary Welsh history.
Justine is a young woman with a fierce intelligence but an equally strong appetite for self-destruction. She finds herself suffocated within a world that makes little sense and where alcohol is the only escape from her view of a hopeless future. When she meets Rachel, the possibility of happiness, love and a future starts to emerge. But her pain goes deep and as the demons within her begin to surface, she wonders if she can allow herself to hope.
Our Home The Sea
Alys (Voice)
Lara has built a life for her and her daughter, Magi, with the sea at its heart, lived and explored in their mother tongue. But as external forces push them ever closer to danger, their world begins to crumble around them.
Eleri has been caring for her mum, Luned, since she was a child. But both have become so invested in their reversed roles of parent and child, that they’ve lost sight of one another and the true connection between them.