Alex Lasker


Beyond Rangoon
Dr. Laura Bowman is a young widow who's unwittingly drawn into political turmoil while vacationing in Burma in the late 1980s. Bowman initially left San Francisco with her sister in an attempt to escape painful memories of her husband and son's violent deaths. But her fight to escape to Thailand could prove just as harrowing.
Beyond Rangoon
Dr. Laura Bowman is a young widow who's unwittingly drawn into political turmoil while vacationing in Burma in the late 1980s. Bowman initially left San Francisco with her sister in an attempt to escape painful memories of her husband and son's violent deaths. But her fight to escape to Thailand could prove just as harrowing.
Based on a true story, this made-for-cable film tells about Barry Seal, a pilot who was a drug smuggler for the infamous Medellin cartel out of Colombia. He was caught by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and decided to turn over and help the DEA break the cartel. However, he got caught in the middle of the Reagan/Bush administration efforts to topple the Nicaraguan government in the '80s, in which Nicaraguan rebels called "contras" were allowed to smuggle cocaine into the US in exchange for their fighting against the leftist Nicaraguan government. Eventually Seal was murdered by his former Medellin employers, and some critics say it was with the tacit, if not implicit, connivance of the US administration.
Seeds of Tragedy
Coca leaves making their way from Peru to Downtown Los Angeles.
ソビエト連邦が、それまでの戦闘機を凌駕する高性能な新型戦闘機「MiG-31 ファイヤーフォックス」を開発したとの情報がNATOにもたらされる。これに衝撃を受け、軍事バランスが崩れることを恐れたNATO各国は対抗すべく戦闘機の開発を検討するが、間に合いそうもない。そのため、その技術を機体もろとも盗み出すことを決定し、ロシア語をネイティブで話し、考えることができる元米空軍パイロット、ミッチェル・ガントに白羽の矢を立てたのであった。