Key Animation
In the near future, the existence of "Adepts," people who possess extraordinary abilities known as "Septimal Powers," has caused widespread chaos around the world. In the nation of Japan, order and peace is maintained by a large conglomerate known as the Sumeragi Group. One group known as QUILL (Quorum for Unrestricted Information, Law, and Liberty) pledged to revolt against the Sumeragi Group.
Mechanical Designer
In the near future, the existence of "Adepts," people who possess extraordinary abilities known as "Septimal Powers," has caused widespread chaos around the world. In the nation of Japan, order and peace is maintained by a large conglomerate known as the Sumeragi Group. One group known as QUILL (Quorum for Unrestricted Information, Law, and Liberty) pledged to revolt against the Sumeragi Group.
Prop Designer
In the near future, the existence of "Adepts," people who possess extraordinary abilities known as "Septimal Powers," has caused widespread chaos around the world. In the nation of Japan, order and peace is maintained by a large conglomerate known as the Sumeragi Group. One group known as QUILL (Quorum for Unrestricted Information, Law, and Liberty) pledged to revolt against the Sumeragi Group.
Key Animation
天地と椿の精・ハルナの切ない恋を描く。ある春の日、いつものごとくケンカをはじめた魎呼と阿重霞のもとから逃げ出す天地。そして彼はそのまま失踪してしまう。天地を探して日本中を旅する魎呼と阿重霞。ふたりはようやく天地を見つけるが、なんと彼は見知らぬ女性と同棲していた。天地を呼ぶ魎呼たちの声もむなしく、彼は女性と共に姿を消してしまう。天地の身に何が起こったのか? そして謎の女性の正体とは?