Song Yo-sep

Song Yo-sep

出生 : 1973-07-18, South Korea


Song Yo-sep


Next Sohee
Chief of Criminal Division
High school student Sohee starts job training at a call center, but she faces pressure of greedy company. Detective Oh Yu-jin, who has something in common with Sohee starts to follow traces to reveal the truth.
Big Sleep
On a winter morning on the way to work, Kiyoung finds Gilho sleeping on the wooden bench in front of his house. Gilho is a teenager who has run away from home because he can no longer face the domestic violence he suffers there. Kiyoung lets Gilho stay in his house for a few days and Gilho comes to trust Kiyoung. However, as Gilho′s friends visit, conflicts happen between Kiyoung and Gilho.
Vietnamese Detective Tran
Dreaming of changing the world, SEO Chang-dae takes part in KIM Woon-bum’s political campaign. To resist the current dictatorial ruling party, SEO adopts a very aggressive propaganda campaign, and it makes KIM become the strongest candidate in the opposition party. When ambitious SEO believes that unjustified means is necessary for politics, KIM has a firm belief that it is not real politics. While their conflict deepens, the ruling party secretly contacts SEO to win the next presidential election.
Today, Together 2
Senior Police
2011年の映画『恐怖の黒電話』(原題:The Caller/マシュー・パークヒル)を原案とし、大胆に脚色。 ワイヤレス電話により20年の時空を超えて繋がった2人の女性が運命の駆け引きをするミステリー・スリラー作品。 監督を務めたのは新鋭イ・チュンヒョン。パク・シネ、チョン・ジョンソのW主演作。
Security Chief
Four young men want to leave their dystopian world behind and go to a distant paradise to execute a money robbery, a daring act that will have unexpected consequences.
Hit-and-Run Squad
Min-jae, a rookie police officer with a natural born talent for driving, is assigned to the perfect team: the Hit-and-Run Squad. But at the same time, for police detective Si-yeon, it is a place she is unjustly demoted to for doing her job. The two team up to arrest the rich and powerful speed maniac Jae-chul who is suspected of committing crimes for his obsession for speed.
Ordinary Person
Torture expert
Major crimes unit detective Seong-jin arrests Tae-sung for petty crimes, but shocked to find out that he is the notorious serial killer. However, Seong-jin becomes doubtful of his identity as the serial murder case is investigated.
Korea’s biggest network marketing scam reveals a far greater network of corruption and conspiracy lurking underneath.
Jo Cheol-moo
内田けんじ監督による2012年のコメディ「鍵泥棒のメソッド」を韓国でリメイク。ひょんなことから記憶喪失となり、売れない役者の人生と入れ替わってしまった伝説の殺し屋が巻き起こす奇想天外な物語をコミカルに描く。主演は「国選弁護人 ユン・ジンウォン」のユ・ヘジン、共演にイ・ジュン、チョ・ユニ。監督はイ・ゲビョク。完璧な仕事ぶりで裏社会にその名を轟かす伝説の殺し屋、ヒョンウク。ある日、銭湯で足を滑らせて頭を強打し記憶喪失となってしまう。偶然その場に居合わせた売れない貧乏役者ジェソンは、男が金持ちと思い込み、とっさにロッカーの鍵をすり替えてしまう。そうとは知らず、自分を売れない役者ジェソンと信じ込むヒョンウク。生来の完璧主義を発揮して俳優業にも真剣に取り組んでいくが...。
Young Mother 3
Twenty year-old Ki-chan lives alone with his father. One day Yoon-seo (Kim Jeong-ah), his stepmother comes to live with them. She tries to be friendly with Ki-chan but he appraoches her as a woman and starts showing her that. Yoon-seo strongly rejects him but he knows that she wants him too. Their relationship turns into something dangerous. Then one day, Min-jeong, who has had a crush on Ki-chan for a long time, finds out what is going on between the two. The young stepmother fools her husband and falls in love with his son and the son falls in love with his father's woman. They make a deal with Min-jeong to make sure she doesn't say anything.
A man on deathrow wants to taste "doenjang jjigae" (a spicy Korean bean paste stew) before he dies. Television producer Choi Yu-Jin (Ryoo Seung-Ryong) hears of the inmate and researches his story for an upcoming news report. Choi Yu-Jin then comes across a mysterious woman named Jang Hye-Jin (Lee Yo-Won) who makes doenjang jjigae that brings tears of joy to those who tastes her recipe. As Choi Yu-Jin delves further, he learns of Jang Hye-Jin's heart breaking relationship with Kim Hyun-Soo (Lee Dong-Wook).
Taxi Driver
A young woman living in the South Korean town of Paju recalls the last 8 years of her life, since a young man on the lam escaped to it from Seoul and married her older sister.
Private Eye
The story takes place in occupied Korea at the start of the 20th century, where a young student in medicine discovers the murdered body of the son of a government official. Being scared of being accused, he decides to hire Hong Jin-ho (a detective) to help him find the murderer before the police accuse him of the murder.
Joong-ho is a dirty detective turned pimp in financial trouble as several of his girls have recently disappeared without clearing their debts. While trying to track them down, he finds a clue that the vanished girls were all called up by the same client whom one of his girls is meeting with right now.