Marc Kelly


First Assistant Director
Over the course of a hot summer day in Los Angeles, the lives of 25 young Angelinos intersect. A skating guitarist, a tagger, two wannabe rappers, an exasperated fast-food worker, a limo driver—they all weave in and out of each other's stories. Through poetry they express life, love, heartache, family, home, and fear. One of them just wants to find someplace that still serves good cheeseburgers.
Corporate Animals
First Assistant Director
Disaster strikes when the egotistical CEO of an edible cutlery company leads her long-suffering staff on a corporate team-building trip in New Mexico. Trapped underground, this mismatched and disgruntled group must pull together to survive.
First Assistant Director
Cry Baby, a strong and sensitive girl, is sent off to a disturbing sleepaway school that’s hidden underneath a grandiose façade. Luckily, she has a sweet and unapologetic best friend who sticks up for her when she gets bullied by the other students whose brains are under control by the Principal and his wicked staff. With the help of the magical friends they meet along the way, as well as an Angelic Spirit Guide, they are able to gain the strength they need to fight off the school’s belligerent patriarchal conditioning.
Production Supervisor
カリフォルニア州オークランド。黒人青年のコリンは不運が重なって逮捕され、1年間の保護観察処分を言い渡される。それ以来、彼は、極力トラブルを避けて謹慎生活に励み、観察処分が無事終了するまで残りあと3日までこぎつける。しかし、彼の幼なじみの白人青年マイルズは札付きのトラブルメーカーで日頃から銃を持ち歩き、コリンは気が気でない。そんなある晩、コリンは、白人警官が黒人男性を射殺するさまを偶然目撃する。 第34回サンダンス映画祭のオープニング作品として上映され、幅広い支持を獲得。 主演の2人、D・ディグスとR・カザルは私生活でも長年の友人で、共同で製作や脚本も兼任。