Christine Caleo


Till Proven Innocent
Gloria Hernandez
A brutal double murder in a hotel room. A suspect confesses at the scene. An open and shut case turns into a psychological thrill ride as tough NY detective, Gloria Hernandez starts a crusade to prove confessor Janie Holtz innocent despite her adamant admissions of guilt.
Family Portraits: A Trilogy of America
Three narratives ("Cutting Moments," "Home" and "Prologue") combine to create a shocking trilogy of modern American life, a portrait drawn with brushstrokes of hidden violence and disturbing cruelty. Directed by Douglas Buck, this unflinching film reveals what lies behind the drawn curtains of so-called "ordinary" households.
Acting as both pseudo-sequel to, and remake of, Cutting Moments, Buck's follow-up changes the focus from the matriarch to the father... or, more fittingly, the many fathers... and the sins they pass down. Eschews explicit violence for a more psychological approach, to a no less harrowing result.