Junnosuke Takasu


セックス喜劇 鼻血ブー
Comedy about a car salesman who invents a condom against premature ejaculation.
日本暴力団 組長
Coming out of jail and hoping for a quiet life, Yokohama yakuza has to take the lead of his gang after the death of his boss. His small group is is taken in a crossfire between a big yakuza group from Osaka at war with the Tokyo alliance for the control of the city. He tries to keep to the old yakuza code but he is no match for the new thugs who live and fight without honor.
昭和残侠伝 唐獅子仁義
Hidejuro is sent to prison after killing the boss of a rival family. After being released, he discovers that his family has scattered and he is taken in by a company of quarry workers, whose boss has a strict code of non-violence. When the rival family tries to take over the company and kills their boss, Hidejuro must choose between his promise of non-violence and his yakuza code of revenge...
A song drama based on the autobiographical song "The sun is laughing" by composer Endo Minoru. It tells the story of a young man who moves to Tokyo with a big dream of becoming a composer, and despite the unfamiliar city life, sticks to his original intentions with the gentle encouragement of his young wife, and takes the music world by storm.
Three robbers escape with loot from a heist before one of them kills the others. Their corpses wash up near the aftermath of a maritime calamity, provoking a policeman's interest.
A touching drama about a love triangle between a young architect, Koroku, and two women, Ranko and Teruko. Ranko comes from a wealthy family and is offering to repay Koroku’s family debts in exchange for marriage, but Koroku is in love with his landlord’s daughter, Teruko. Things are further complicated when the wicked Tsugawa takes interest in both women, for his own marriage.
次郎長社長と石松社員 威風堂々
1962 Japanese movie
横溝正史の同名小説を「ひばり民謡の旅 べらんめえ芸者佐渡へ行く」の渡辺邦男脚本・監督により映画化。共同脚本は「維新の篝火」の結束信二。撮影は「ひばり民謡の旅 べらんめえ芸者佐渡へ行く」の渡辺孝、音楽は「新黄金孔雀城 七人の騎士」シリーズの山田栄一が担当した。原作を大きく逸脱したストーリー、スポーツカーを駆り美人秘書を従える金田一耕助と、異色の内容となっている。  人気歌手の和泉須磨子が鬼首町鬼塚村に里帰りする途中で何者かに惨殺される事件が発生。死体の横にあるラジオからは彼女の新曲「鬼首村手毬唄」が流れていた。鬼首町警察の磯川警部らが事件を担当することになり、名探偵として知られる金田一耕助も温泉宿に泊まり調査を開始する。須磨子の生家である仁礼家は鬼塚一の富豪だったが、当主の剛造はなぜか手毬唄に怯えていた。剛造の長男の源一郎と次女の里子は、半年前に剛造のもとに届いた脅迫状が須磨子の死と関係があるとにらむが、その源一郎は直後に死体で発見されてしまう。金田一耕助はそれが他殺であることを見破るが、村のお告げ婆から湯治客の放庵が村の暗い過去を知っていると教えられるのだった。
Ichiro (Chiba) is a scrappy little sport in a big car and funny hat always looking for some fun and some extra cash on the side. He and his friends get themselves involved in some shady business dealings involving a kidnapping.