

The Carp and the Seagull
The Carp and the Seagull is an interactive short film about one man's encounter with the spirit world and his fall from grace. It is a user driven narrative that tells a single story through the prism of two connected spaces. The film is an experiment in space and narrative using the latest in web technology.When the film was released, it was billed as the world's first interactive 3D film for the web, going on to win numerous web awards. The story is told in a stripped down polygonal style that reflects the emotional, spiritual states of the characters. High density, smooth polygon vertices indicate oneness with the world while distorted, non-uniform shapes show unease within the characters. The film's protagonist is Masato, a simple fisherman, spending his days fishing the waters near his village eking out a quiet, structured life. The Carp and the Seagull focuses on his encounter with the Yuki-onna ghost.
Strata #3
The term Strata defines a geological formation made of multiple layers of rock. Each one of these layers has its own individual characteristics and history, which combined produce beautiful and unique formations… The Strata project consist in a series of films, prints and installations investigating improbable relationships between contemporary digital aesthetics and icons of classical art and architecture. Like in geological processes, layers belonging to different ages interact with one another producing new intriguing formations.
Experimental short film that mix drawings of Jean-Luc Chansay's daughter with computer animation and sculptures of Marie Mercier.
Plaid & Bob Jaroc – Greedy Baby
Greedy Baby is a CD/DVD with music by Plaid and visuals by Bob Jaroc, released on 26 June 2006 on Warp Records. The release was the culmination of years of work, and was shown in full in a series of very successful IMAX shows. Initial copies ordered directly from Warp included a piece of Super 8 film taken by Jaroc for an upcoming project.