Kirsten Weingarten


Sad Songs of Happiness
Director of Photography
Although Hiba, Rita and Tamar – pupils at the international Schmidt’s Girls College in Jerusalem – have only been receiving classical singing lessons for under two years, their music teacher has registered them for the prestigious competition "Jugend Musiziert" ("Youth Makes Music"). An exciting journey awaits the students: their trip will lead them out of their conflict-ridden everyday life to the first round of the competition, which will be held in Istanbul in 2013. For those who succeed in this round the journey continues to Germany where the competition celebrates its 50th anniversary. Every single girl brings the right qualities to reach the local finals: musical talent, a special voice - and a never ending joy of singing.
During an unannounced visit to Berlin, Jakob and Hanna let their three grown up children know that they are no longer able to support them financially. Karla, Arnolt and Sonni seem to live successful city lives; but, on closer inspection, they are in the middle of different life-crises, which have a common cause: lack of independence. After a big family quarrel and a painful revelation of life-lies, every single relative is made aware of how little he or she knows about the others – though still interdependent.