Mathias Minne


Jeff Panacloc : À la poursuite de Jean-Marc
Feature-length adaptation of the ventriloquist duo.
Karine, a housekeeper of 34, is the full-time mother of 17 year-old Ziggy. When the company that employed her is taken over, subject to the laws of capitalism, Karine will have to choose between being true to herself, or lie to protect herself and her family.
Two Tickets to Greece
As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!
ノーリミット: 果てなき深淵
L'élève #1
Roxana Aubrey decides to drop her studies and escape her life in Paris for a free diving course in the south of France. She is quickly pulled into a life that reaches new depths brought by the weight of an ocean's descent.
La traversée
Le collègue
Community workers, Alex and Stéphanie take five teen dropouts on an educational journey across the Mediterranean. But their skipper happens to be an ex cop with a powerful hatred for youths from the hood.
Paris Is Us
Dreams and reality collide as a young woman navigates a tumultuous relationship amid rising social tensions, protests and tragedies in Paris.
Off Season
Confident Marion works at a seaside town as a lifeguard. Although she rather avoids others, she meets shy Elise. Yet when Elise starts drowning one day, it triggers not Marion’s lifesaving instinct, but a dark desire. And it changes not only her own life.
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