Masayuki Meguro


The body of Kou Fujisaki, who fell to her death, is discovered in front of an old building in West Shinjuku. Chief Sakamoto notifies Ushio, who arrives at the scene. Ushio thinks that this must be a murder, but according to Yamaji, who was at the scene before him, an eyewitness testified that Kou had jumped off the roof of the building, killing herself. Kou is someone who has lingered in Ushio's memory - as a suspect...
Restaurant owner Kenji Nagata has been stabbed to death. When the police begin an investigation, a bag of human bones is discovered in Nagata's car and Detective Kajikawa asks anthropologist Kumiko Misaki to perform an examination. She discovers that the deceased was a man in his mid-twenties and that he died more than 15 years ago. Meanwhile, suspicion for Nagata's murder falls on his apprentice chef Ryohei Miyamura due to the murder weapon being a kitchen knife. Afterwards, Miyamura breaks into Kumiko's lab, but manages to escape...
終着駅の牛尾刑事VS事件記者冴子 生存者
The body of Kazuyoshi Kawagishi, a construction company worker, is discovered stabbed to death in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo. Detective Masanao Ushio of Shinjuku West PD begins an investigation and finds that the murdered Kawagishi was an honest person who didn't have any troubles. Kawagishi worked for a company in Kofu City in Yamanashi, leaving behind his wife and daughter on Awaji Island in Hyogo. He seems to have started working as a laborer 3 years ago, having fallen on hard times when the company went bankrupt. Saeko Kawamura, Ushio's reporter friend, calls him wanting to talk about the case. According to Saeko, Kawagishi was one of the survivors of the "bus hijack arson case" that happened three years ago. In the bus hijack arson case, a man who was hallucinating under the influence of dangerous drugs set fire to an intercity bus going to Shinjuku and departing from Kofu Station...
Masanao Ushio and other detectives from Shinjuku West PD discover the strangled dead body of a woman in an empty building in West Shinjuku in Tokyo. According to her husband Takeshi, the murdered Chieko Akiba was a top salesperson at the insurance company where she worked, but quit her job three months ago and planned to open a beauty salon after buying the building which happens to be the crime scene. The call history on her mobile phone reveals the victim answered a call at 8:16 PM and is presumed to have been murdered immediately afterwards. However, Ushio is surprised to hear who was on the other side of the call: Kyoko Yamano, a woman who accompanied Ushio under an umbrella on a rainy night one year ago and whose husband was killed by someone that very night...
テレビ朝日系の2時間ドラマ「土曜ワイド劇場」(毎週土曜日21:00 - 23:06)で2001年から放送されているテレビドラマシリーズ。主演は片岡鶴太郎と水野真紀。原作のクレジットは、牟田刑事官が加わっている第5作まで「石沢英太郎・森村誠一」であるが、実際は森村誠一作品を主な原作としている。また、牟田刑事官が抜けた第6作以降は森村誠一のみとなっている。
辰村祐介には、勝哉、明子という幼馴染みがいた。中学生時代、大阪で三人は貧しいながらも助け合って生きていた。ある時、明子の義父・貞和と明子の関係、そし、貞和の死の真相に関する誰にも言えない秘密を抱えることとなり、その後は連絡をとりあうこともなくなっていた。 それから25年後、辰村祐介は大手広告代理店・東邦広告の営業部副部長となっていた。辰村の部署が、それまで取引のなかった大手メーカー、大東電機から、突然予算18億という巨額プロジェクトの競合の指名を受ける。 才色兼備の部長・立花英子、政治家の息子としてのコネ入社ながら仕事に関しては一生懸命な若手・戸塚英明、破天荒なところはあるがコンピューターの天才である派遣社員・平野由佳らと、コンペの勝利に向け邁進する辰村。そしてある日、そのプロジェクトが自分の封印してきた過去と繋がっていることを知る…。