In Part I we see the young would-be swordsman setting out to achieve greatness in war, achieving nothing because fighting on the losing side, & then beginning his long period of wandering & training, with the goal always in mind of his duel with Kojiro. Part II builds toward that great duel on Ganryu Island, with considerable focus on Musashi's planning & forethought as to how to gain an advantage.
One day an innocent-looking girl in white clothes appears on board of a ramshackle boat The owner of the boat, Okin, decides to let Mari stay with him without asking her any questions. Turmoil ensues with the reaction of the crew when the runaway girl starts working alongside with them.
A young female samurai comes upon a dying messenger and agrees to deliver the scroll he was carrying to its destination. However, unbeknownst to her, the scroll is actually a formula for a new kind of gunpowder. An evil clan that is planning to overthrow the Emperor is also after the scroll, and they try to take it from her.
「男はつらいよ」シリーズ第1作。 20年振りに故郷、東京は葛飾柴又に帰ってきた車寅次郎(渥美清)。ちょうど庚申の祭りの最中で、早速祭りに参加する寅次郎。そんな中、懐かしいおいちゃん(森川信)、おばちゃん(三崎千恵子)や妹さくら(倍賞千恵子)に涙の再会を果たす。翌日、さくらの見合いに出席した寅次郎だが、酔ったあげくの大失態。見合いをぶち壊した寅次郎はおいちゃんらと大ゲンカし、柴又を去っていく。その後、寅次郎は旅先の奈良で旅行中の御前様(笠智衆)とその娘・坪内冬子(光本幸子)と再会。幼なじみゆえ、気さくな冬子に恋をした寅さんは、帰郷してからも冬子のもとへ日参する。一方、裏の印刷工場につとめる諏訪博(前田吟)は、さくらへ想いを寄せていた・・・
Also known as "History of a Man’s Face" and "By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him" . Immigrant gangs terrorize a Japanese town with their threats, loud jazz, and tasteless fashion sense, and only the tough but suave Dr. Amamiya (Ando) can stop them, as long as he gets rid of his silly peace-loving ideals.