Fraser Boyle


Key Grip
A father and daughter are on their way to dance camp when they spot the girl's best friend on the side of the road. When they stop to offer the friend a ride, their good intentions soon result in terrible consequences.
Key Grip
Four interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: an everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the one guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank, and a bitter old recluse receives an uninvited guest.
Key Grip
Key Grip
突如起こった飛行機墜落事故。だが予知夢によって一命を取りとめたアレックスと6人のクラスメートは書き換えることができない《死》の定めに再び直面する。運命は、未来は変えられるのか? そして迫りくる《死》の呪縛から逃れることはできるのか?姿の見えない《死》が人々を襲うサスペンスホラー。
Jennifer Eight
A big city cop from LA moves to a small town police force and immediately finds himself investigating a murder. Using theories rejected by his colleagues, the cop, John Berlin, meets a young blind woman named Helena, who he is attracted to. Meanwhile, a serial killer is on the loose and only John knows it.