Ian Adams


Third Assistant Director
1987年7月――サン・セバスチャン修道院。 アモルト神父はローマ教皇から直接依頼を受け、憑依されたある少年の《悪魔祓い》エクソシズムに向かう――。変わり果てた姿。絶対に知りえないアモルト自身の過去を話す少年を見て、これは病気ではなく“悪魔”の仕業だと確信。若き相棒のトマース神父とともに本格的な調査に乗り出したアモルトは、ある古い記録に辿り着く。中世ヨーロッパでカトリック教会が異端者の摘発と処罰のために行っていた宗教裁判。その修道院の地下に眠る邪悪な魂――。全てが一つに繋がった時、ヴァチカンの命運を握る、凄惨なエクソシズムが始まる――
A group of childhood friends get together for one of their kids birthday parties in Dublin. The next morning they wake up in a forest in the middle of nowhere being hunted down one by one by a masked serial killer.
A group of childhood friends get together for one of their kids birthday parties in Dublin. The next morning they wake up in a forest in the middle of nowhere being hunted down one by one by a masked serial killer.
The Lads
In a small town in Ireland childhood friends Fionn, Scott and Paul come across an envelope full of money. They do what any group of "Lads" would do and spend all of the money on pints, smokes, chips and drugs. After spending all of the money in 2 weeks the lads find out that the money belongs to dangerous gangsters who want their money back. The lads must fight for survival and do what ever it takes to get the money back or it will be the last time any of them have a few pints together.
The Lads
In a small town in Ireland childhood friends Fionn, Scott and Paul come across an envelope full of money. They do what any group of "Lads" would do and spend all of the money on pints, smokes, chips and drugs. After spending all of the money in 2 weeks the lads find out that the money belongs to dangerous gangsters who want their money back. The lads must fight for survival and do what ever it takes to get the money back or it will be the last time any of them have a few pints together.
The Lads
In a small town in Ireland childhood friends Fionn, Scott and Paul come across an envelope full of money. They do what any group of "Lads" would do and spend all of the money on pints, smokes, chips and drugs. After spending all of the money in 2 weeks the lads find out that the money belongs to dangerous gangsters who want their money back. The lads must fight for survival and do what ever it takes to get the money back or it will be the last time any of them have a few pints together.
Damo & Ivor: The Movie
Assistant Director
Damo and Ivor embark on the mother of all adventures to find the last piece of their family puzzle and track down their long lost brother John Joe.