Marina Levashova


Doctor, I Want a Baby
Director of Photography
A documentary melodrama about the birth of twins, conceived with the help of IVF. For several months, the film crew led the heroine to childbirth, facing the problems of late motherhood along the way. The film immerses us in the experiences of a woman and shows the true synergy of doctors and patients, united by a single goal – the birth of a new life.
Director of Photography
"Goryanki" documentary film tells the stories of several women from the North Caucasus. In Soviet times women in this region were actively removed from the context of traditional values, but the collapse of the USSR raised many questions for the society. The film examines the problems of feminism, the clash of national traditions and religion. Anyway the heroines of the film found the strength and courage to become successful and outstanding people.
The Teacher
Director of Photography
An elderly literature teacher lives a solitary life in his apartment. He reads books, listens to the news about culture. Every day he calls a friend in a distant city and remembers his youth. He is not particularly interested in the modern world — until one day that modern world breaks into his house, completely overturning his life.
Neutrinos and Andyrtau
Director of Photography
Film about the neutrino observatory in the mountains of the Caucasus into Andyrtau mountain. This laboratory is unique in Russia, this observatory is one of the most profound, is located at a depth of 4000 m. The scientists collect information for about 40 years, catch a ghost particle neutrinos which is being emitted by the Sun and stars of galaxy.
Gatherers of Sea Grass
Director of Photography
Every year teams of seasonal workers come to Solovki islands to harvest sea kale. They go out to sea and mow it from car-basses. As the last of the teams go back to Arkhangelsk in October, only a watchman and his dog are left to pass the winter.
There are places in which space is turned inside out, and time is flowing backwards.