Brian Howe

Brian Howe

出生 : 1953-07-22, Portsmouth, England, UK

死亡 : 2020-05-06


Brian Howe is an American film and television actor, best known for playing stockbroker Jay Twistle in the feature film "The Pursuit of Happyness" and many other film supporting roles, as well as guest roles in a number of television series', including "Crossing Jordan", "Boston Legal", and "Westworld".


Brian Howe
Brian Howe
Brian Howe
Brian Howe


Charles Koerner
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz face a crisis that could end their careers and another that could end their marriage.
Pete Micelli
Cover Versions
Detective Fairbanks
On the eve of their biggest gig ever, the members of synth-rock band Starfoxy throw a rager that ends with a fan mysteriously dead in the pool.
アナベル 死霊人形の誕生
Mr. Higgins
Long Live the King
A feature documentary about the enduring appeal of the character King Kong, and how he has inspired so many of the great filmmakers and artists since 1933.
A troubled young woman takes up residence in a gothic apartment building where she must confront a terrifying evil.
アナベル 死霊館の人形
Pete Higgins
出産が近いミアは、真っ白なウエディングドレスを着た美しいビンテージ人形を夫ジョンからプレゼントされる。ある夜、二人はカルト集団の男女の襲撃を受け辛くも命は取り留めるが、人形に恐ろしい呪いがかけられてしまう。 やがて、待望の子供が生まれ二人は新生活をスタートさせるが、人形をめぐり次々と不可解な現象が起こる。
Neil Gaiman's We Can Get Them for You Wholesal
Peter Pinter
How one man's obsession with getting a great bargain gets him in way over his head.
Detective McDonough
Liz & Dick
Joseph Mankiewicz
On the set of Cleopatra, Hollywood's most beautiful star, Elizabeth Taylor, fell into the arms of one of the world's greatest actors, Richard Burton - and she didn't leave. Their subsequent white-hot, scandalous love affair gave rise to the paparazzi and they became the most hunted and photographed couple on earth. Their rocky, passionate, relationship, born in front of the cameras, was subsequently captured in a series of films, including The V.I.P.s and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The last of the great, extravagant stars, flaunting diamonds, yachts and private planes, they continually seized the headlines. They even divorced and married again - only to divorce again - but remain in each other's hearts. This Elizabeth Taylor - Richard Burton story is a no-holds barred account of their undying, but impossible love.
ゲーム・チェンジ 大統領選を駆け抜けた女
Randy Scheunemann
During the Republican run of the 2008 Presidential election, candidate John McCain picks a relative unknown, Alaskan governor Sarah Palin, to be his running mate. As the campaign kicks into high gear, her lack of experience, in both political and media savvy, becomes a drain upon McCain and his strategists.
The Lost Skeleton Returns Again
Peter Fleming
THE LOST SKELETON RETURNS AGAIN takes on a whole new series of clichés, primarily drawn from those low budget adventure epics -- rich in potted ferns and stock footage -- that thrived on cheap back lots from the early 30s to the late 50s. It also wanders beyond the narrow confines of jungle pictures, parodying everything from gangster movies to those Mondo films of the 1960s, with their salacious native dances.
Taking Chances
Stover Barksdale
When he discovers that an Indian casino is about to be built over the town's historic battlefield, Chase Revere, the self-appointed protector of a small town's rather meager place in American history, joins forces with sexy but dangerous town siren Lucy Shanks to launch an all-out offensive against the project - earning the wrath of the entire town.
Dark and Stormy Night
Burling Famish, Jr.
In the 1930s the family of old Sinas Cavinder, gathered for the reading of his will, find themselves being murdered by a mysterious phantom while two rival reporters compete for the story.
Steve Kowalski
Trail of the Screaming Forehead
Big Dan Frater
A small town infestation of crawling alien foreheads that begin attaching to people and taking them over collides with a scientist's experiments to extract foreheadazine and things go horribly horribly wrong.
Junior congressman Evan Baxter, whose wish is to "change the world" is heard by none other than God. When God appears with the perplexing request to build an ark, Evan is sure he is losing it.
By Appointment Only
Recently widowed estate agent Val Spencer's hopes of a big sale are interrupted when the house owner disappears and she becomes embroiled in a murder hunt.
Making Pursuit: An Italian Take on the American Dream
This is a "making of" documentary for the hit film "The Pursuit of Happyness". It chronicles a foreign director's perspective on The American Dream, and the challenges in making the film.
Jay Twistle
1981年のサンフランシスコ。妻リンダと息子のクリストファーと暮らすクリス・ガードナーは、骨密度を測定する新型医療器械のセールスをしていた。大金をはたいて仕入れた時にはこの機械を「革命的な機械」と信じ、妻とともに希望にあふれていたが、いざセールスをしてみるとその機械は病院関係者にとって「レントゲンより少し鮮明に見える程度で高価な贅沢品」という無用の長物であった。そのため機械のセールスはうまくいかず税金も滞納し、妻のパートでなんとか乗り切る苦しい生活を送っていた。 そんなある日、彼は路上で「真っ赤なフェラーリ」を見かけて思わず持ち主に二つの質問をする。 「あなたに二つ質問がある。仕事と、その仕事にどうやって就いたんだ?」 「株の仲買人をしていて、学歴がなくてもなれる」と返された彼は、株に興味を持ち始め、たまたま見つけた証券会社の養成コースに願書を提出する。半年間の研修期間で定員は20名、その中で選ばれるのはたった1名。しかもそのためにはまず研修生に選ばれることが必要だった。そこで彼は人材課長のトゥイッスルに近づき、彼が持っていたルービックキューブ(当時テレビにも取り上げられるほど大流行していた)を数分で完成させ、驚かせる。そうしてトゥイッスルに認められたクリスは研修プログラムに合格、参加することになる。だが研修期間中は無給であった。もし1名に選ばれなかったら半年間が無駄になる。 そんなとき、とうとうリンダが苦しい生活に耐えかね、息子を連れて出て行ってしまった。クリスは保育所から息子のクリストファーを連れ帰ったものの、大家には立ち退きを命じられ、駐車違反で一晩拘留されてしまう。持ち前の誠実さと機転で研修生にはなれたが、息子と2人で安モーテルに住むことになった。幸い機械のセールスはうまくいき、4ヶ月で売り切るが、一息つく間もなく税の未納分として、そのほとんどを差し押さえられてしまうのである。 行くあてもなく文字通り路頭に迷う2人は、駅のトイレや教会などを転々とするホームレス生活を送る。貯蓄も家もなく、明日も見えない辛い日々の中、クリスを突き動かすものは、この生活から脱け出し幸せになりたいという思いと、父親も知らず育った自分のような境遇を息子に味わわせたくない、という息子への愛情であった。
Medical Examiner
Climbing aboard their mammoth recreational vehicle for a cross-country road trip to the Colorado Rockies, the Munro family – led by dysfunctional patriarch, Bob – prepares for the adventure of a lifetime. But spending two weeks together in one seriously small space has a way of cramping their style.
Dark Heart
Upon returning home as a hero from the Iraq War, Special Forces Agent Matt Taylor (Joelson) is thrown right into another battle. This time it is in his once quiet hometown where, as in Iraq, you don't know who are friends and who are enemies. In a dark night filled with mental and physical violence, Matt must again reach into the darkest corners of his mind to fight his inner demons and survive in the homeland he fought to defend. The Dream is over...
Back to Norm
TV pilot for a sketch comedy show starring Norm MacDonald
Earl Amdursky
Joe Tanner
A Colorado sheriff and his teenage son investigate a bizarre kidnapping, ultimately leading them on the hunt for a legendary Swiss criminal.
Carl Leffert
Set in 1951, a blacklisted Hollywood writer gets into a car accident, loses his memory and settles down in a small town where he is mistaken for a long-lost son.
光の旅人 K-PAX
Steve Becker
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
Dr. Roger Fleming
Remember the good old days when anyone with a camera and a few thousand bucks could schlep up to Bronson canyon and quickly make a cheap sci-fi/horror B-movie? Well, they're back! The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra is an affectionate, meticulous re-creation of those notoriously cheesy clunkers, as a gaggle of beloved stereotypes pursue "that rarest of radioactive elements - atmospherium."
State and Main
A movie crew invades a small town whose residents are all too ready to give up their values for showbiz glitz.
Return to Me
It took a lot of cajoling to get Bob, a recently widowed architect, to go on a blind date at a quirky Irish-Italian eatery. Once there, he's smitten instantly not with his date but with the sharp-witted waitress. Everything seems to be going great until an unbelievable truth is revealed, one that could easily break both of their hearts for good.
Dead Man on Campus
College freshmen Josh and Cooper are more interested in hitting the bottle than in hitting the books -- and their poor grades are set to get them kicked out of school. Their only hope of passing is to find a roommate who will kill himself. That's because an oddball college code states that a suicide victim's roommates automatically get straight A's. But sharing space with a lineup of lunatics proves enough to drive both boys crazy.