Dmitry Ilugdin


The only bonus in the simple, uncomplicated life of a non-charismatic fifty-year-old man is his Friday vodka in the bar along the way with a hated job home. On one of these evenings he meets Belka.
A psychological thriller. One quite ordinary summer morning five different and unacquainted people leave their apartments at different floors and enter the lift. The doors close behind the last passenger and the lift starts descending. The moments pass, but the lift is not going to stop, the impression of endless moving appears and grows. Panic transforms into fear with every passing minute, situation is getting out of control. The lift cage transforms into closed space, into moving rattrap from which there is no escape. How would the five people behave in such hopeless situation? Their souls are assaulted by doubts and fear, they are filled with overwhelming feeling of inevitability and despair as around them the ordinary is turning into the unreal. Have you ever wondered what your companions in the lift are? Are they really what they claim to be? Or maybe you should fear them?