Andrew Bradley


メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ
Aerial Camera Technician
舞台はロンドン──ミステリアスで美しい魔法使いのメリー・ポピンズが、母を亡くし、窮地に陥った家族の元に空から舞い降りた。エレガントでマナーに厳しい彼女の“上から目線”の言動と美しくも型破りな魔法によって、家族は再び希望を取り戻し始める。 幸せを運ぶ魔法使いメリー・ポピンズがディズニー史上最高のハッピーを届ける、極上のミュージカル映画が誕生!
Focus Puller
To try and overcome a lifetime of bitterness and resentment, an older lady decides to climb a mountain in Scotland.
Second Assistant "C" Camera
In a Heartbeat
First Assistant Camera
A torrid night of passion and terror awaits Phillip after a chance meeting with a beautiful stranger, whose shocking secret past threatens to destroy them both. Little does he know he will soon be drawn into a nightmare more terrifying than even he can imagine.
Musical Star
Assistant Camera
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?