Tony R. Medina


モール・コップ ラスベガスも俺が守る!
Construction Foreman
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta!
When Papi, Chloe, the pups, Uncle Pedro, and their owners move to a hotel, the smallest pup Rosa feels like she doesn't fit in, and Papi wants to make her feel better by showing her how special she is.
When Zoe tires of looking for Mr. Right, she decides to have a baby on her own. But on the day she's artificially inseminated, she meets Stan, who seems to be just who she's been searching for all her life. Now, Zoe has to figure out how to make her two life's dreams fit with each other.
Popular high schoolers and best friends Shawn and Nick decide to ditch football camp for cheerleader camp. For the girls and for the glory.
Working-class waitress Slim thought she was entering a life of domestic bliss when she married Mitch, the man of her dreams. After the arrival of their first child, her picture perfect life is shattered when she discovers Mitch's hidden possessive dark side, a controlling and abusive alter ego that can turn trust, love and tranquility into terror. Terrified for her child's safety, Slim flees with her daughter. Relentless in his pursuit and enlisting the aid of lethal henchmen, Mitch continually stalks the prey that was once his family.
When a street-smart FBI agent is sent to Georgia to protect a beautiful single mother and her son from an escaped convict, he is forced to impersonate a crass Southern granny known as Big Momma in order to remain incognito.
The Bachelor
Jimmie is seeing his single friends get married one by one. He isn't too worried until his girlfriend Anne catches the bouquet at his friend Marco's wedding. Suddenly, his wild mustang days are numbered. He finally decides to propose to her, but he sticks his foot in his mouth and botches the proposal. Being insulted by the defeatist proposal, Anne leaves town on an assignment. After she's gone, he finds out that his recently-deceased grandfather's will stipulates that he gets nothing of a multi-million dollar fortune unless he's married by 6:05pm on his 30th birthday: tomorrow! Not being able to find Anne, Jimmie begins backtracking through his past girlfriends to find a wife.
ミシシッピ川流域にあるアメリカ中西部・インディアナ州の小さな町ハンティングバーグは、気圧低下による記録的な豪雨に見舞われた結果、町のほとんどが冠水、さらに上流のダムが決壊して洪水が発生する危険性が高まったことから、住民が全員避難し、無人となっていた。 そんな中、1台の現金輸送車が立ち往生、ガードマンのトムは無線で救助を要請するが、ジム率いる強盗団の襲撃を受ける。トムは現金を持って脱出、半水没した町を舞台に、現金をめぐっての壮絶な闘いの幕が切って落とされた。
12人の怒れる男 評決の行方
During the trial of a man accused of his father's murder, a lone juror takes a stand against the guilty verdict handed down by the others as a result of their preconceptions and prejudices.
Prop Maker
“A FREEZE IS COMING!” すべてを氷づけにしようとする怪人Mr.フリーズがゴッサム・シティーに出現。事もあろうに、誘惑フェロモンと猛毒キスを武器にするポイズン・アイビーと手を組んだ! 対するバットマンも、ロビンとバットガールという味方を得て迎え撃つが!3代目バットマンに選ばれたジョージ・クルーニー、初登場のバットガールにアリシア・シルヴァーストーン、注目の悪役にはアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーら、豪華スターが共演。機能性がアップしたバットモービルや、より奇抜さを増したゴッサム・シティーなど、本シリーズならではの斬新なデザインも充実。
My Fellow Americans
They used to run the country. Now they're running for their lives! Two on-the-lam former Presidents of the United States. Framed in a scandal by the current President and pursued by armed agents, the two squabbling political foes plunge into a desperately frantic search for the evidence that will establish their innocence.
Grand Avenue
When Mollie's boyfriend Jack dies on the reservation, she is asked to leave the reservation by her boyfriend's sister for not being one of their own, aside from Mollie's son. Mollie is forced to pack up her belongings and her children and move to northern California, right into a gang infested neighborhood.
Prop Maker
Three Wishes
While Jane Holman is driving with her two sons, she accidentally runs into a drifter, Jack McCloud, who breaks his leg. Being responsible, Jane invites Jack, and his dog, to stay at her home until his leg has healed. Jack struggles to adapt their lifestyle, and finds himself loved by the family.
Prop Maker
Gambler V: Playing for Keeps
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Brady Hawkes has to run to his son's rescue once again in this continuation of the Gambler stories. Jeremiah is now a young man who has become involved with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Brady pursues the gang in order to get Jeremiah out of the gang before he gets in too much trouble with the law.
Monkey Trouble
Prop Maker
Dodger, a criminal monkey, belongs to a crooked street performer but escapes his life of crime only to end up in the arms of Eva, an innocent little girl whose mother has no idea that her daughter is harboring a fugitive.
Critters 4
Prop Maker
Just before bounty hunter Charile triggers his gun to destroy the last two Critter-eggs, he gets a message that it would be illegal to extinguish the race from the galaxy. He's sent a transporter where he puts the eggs - unfortunately the transporter takes him with it and then gets lost in space.
Missing Pieces
Prop Maker
As sole heir to a relative's estate, Wendel is surprised to learn that the only thing he's been left is a riddle. However, he and his musician friend, Lou, are soon thrust into a comic chase, as an assortment of unsavoury characters, underworld figures, and even private investigators, are after them for the inheritance - and they don't know what it is!
Prop Maker
A simple man is turned into a genius through the application of computer science.
Into the Sun
Prop Maker
Paul Watkins is an American pilot stationed in the Middle East, who is taken away from his normal duties of protecting the skies to show an actor everything he needs to know about being a pilot in the Air Force. The actor, Tom Slade, is about to start filming an Air Force movie and wants to "get the feeling" for the part. When Watkins takes Slade for a ride in an F-16 fighter, some other American jets are attacked and the pair comes to the rescue. However, it does not go according to the plan.