Ingrid Ralet


The Damned Don't Cry
Sound Editor
Fatima-Zahra and her teenage son Selim move from place to place, forever trying to outrun the latest scandal she’s caught up in. When Selim discovers the truth about their past, Fatima-Zahra vows to make a fresh start. In Tangier, new opportunities promise the legitimacy they each crave but not without pushing the volatile mother-son relationship to the breaking point.
Supervising Sound Editor
1960年代後半のフランスを舞台に、良妻賢母を理想とする花嫁学校の教師と生徒が、“五月革命”の波にも刺激を受けて、自分たちが盲目的に受け入れていた古い価値観に疑問を持ち始める姿をユーモラスに描いたコメディ・ドラマ。主演は「ポンヌフの恋人」「ショコラ」のジュリエット・ビノシュ。共演にヨランド・モロー、ノエミ・ルヴォフスキー、エドゥアール・ベール。監督は「セラフィーヌの庭」「ルージュの手紙」のマルタン・プロヴォ。 1967年、フランス。アルザス地方の小さな村にあるヴァン・デル・ベック家政学校。理想の良妻賢母を育成するこの学校に18人の少女たちが入学する。しかし校長のポーレットと2人の講師が行う授業は、女性解放運動の風を受け始めた生徒たちには納得いかないことばかりだった。そんな中、学校の経営者だったポーレットの夫が急死し、多額の借金が発覚する。破産寸前に追い込まれた学校を救うために銀行に駆け込んだポーレットは、そこでかつての恋人アンドレと思いがけない再会を果たす。彼のサポートを受け、経営の立て直しに取り組むポーレットだったが…。
Our Lady of the Nile
Sound Editor
Rwanda, 1973. In the prestigious catholic institute 'Notre-Dame du Nil', perched on a hill, young Rwandan girls study to become the elite of the country. In the process of graduating, they share the same dormitory, the same dreams, the same problems of teenage girls. But in every corner of the country as well as in the school there are deep antagonisms that will forever change the destiny of these young girls and the whole country.
Golden Youth
Sound Editor
Paris, France, 1979. Rose, a rebellious orphaned teenager, and Michel, a young aspiring painter, enjoy their crazy love under the neon lights of the decadent nightclub Le Palace, where they establish an ambiguous relationship with Lucille and Hubert, two bohemian bourgeois who will change their lives.
Alone at My Wedding
Sound Editor
Pamela, a young Roma, insolent, spontaneous and funny, embarks on a journey into the unknown, breaking away from the traditions that suffocate her. She arrives in Belgium with three words of French and the hope that marriage will change her and her daughter’s destiny.
Number One
Sound Editor
A brilliant and determined female engineer is approached by a network of powerful women with an offer to help become the head of a CAC 40 firm. The conguest, which was at first thrilling, turns to complete war with the men who still dominate.
All Yours
Supervising Sound Editor
A penniless Argentine male escort meets a solitary, lonely Belgian baker who wants to help him leave the world of prostitution, explores intimate gay relationship.
Irina Palm
Music Editor
Maggie, a quiet retiring grandmother, finds herself helpless as her grandson’s health deteriorates. When one last chance appears, but money is desperately short, Maggie acts to raise the cash in a fashion that surprises everyone but her...