Matt Duggan

Matt Duggan


Matt Duggan


Story Consultant
An eccentric cult leader kidnaps his estranged teenage daughter to clone her telepathic ability before her mother thwarts his plan to control humanity. The black sheep of a family with a history of telepathic abilities, Lucien is second in command of a cult whose mission is based on the premise of ridding the world of all evil. His ex-wife, Amanda, took their daughter, Grace, when Grace was young and Lucien was becoming more and more sadistic. Now Grace's telepathy is developed and is the strongest Lucien has ever witnessed. Lucien has devised a way to clone Grace's ability to the members of the group.....but the clock is ticking. Will he be able to accomplish this feat before Amanda exposes him and his big secret?
A man awakens from his supposed death to discover that he's from a parallel universe. He's fallen in love with his doppelganger's wife here on Earth, which sets off a chain of events that threaten both their lives and mankind.
A man awakens from his supposed death to discover that he's from a parallel universe. He's fallen in love with his doppelganger's wife here on Earth, which sets off a chain of events that threaten both their lives and mankind.
Security Technician
ルーベンが悪名高いウィリー・バンクに裏切られ、そのショックで心筋梗塞で倒れたと聞き、ダニー・オーシャンは急遽ラスベガスへやってくる。 裏稼業からは足を洗っていたオーシャンだったが、バンクの経営するカジノホテル“バンク”への報復計画を練り上げ、また、ルーベンが倒れたと聞いて同じくやってきた仲間たちと共に、カジノ強盗計画を遂行する。 オーシャンたちは数ヵ月後にあるホテル“バンク”のプレオープンを狙う計画だが、高性能セキュリティコンピュータ“グレコ”などの最新鋭セキュリティが計画を阻む。さらに、予期していない問題が起こり始め、ついには仇敵、テリー・ベネディクトに協力を求める。