初めて愛した人は、特攻隊員でしたー。 親や学校、すべてにイライラして不満ばかりの高校生の百合(福原遥)。
ある日母親の幸恵(中嶋朋子)と喧嘩をして家出をし、近所の防空壕に逃げ込むが、朝目が覚めるとそこは1945年の6月…戦時中の日本だった。偶然通りかかった彰(水上恒司)に助けられ、鶴屋食堂に連れていかれる百合。そこでツル(松坂慶子)や千代(出口夏希)、彰と同じ隊の石丸(伊藤健太郎)、板倉(嶋﨑斗亜・Lil かんさい/関西ジャニーズJr.)、寺岡(上川周作)、加藤(小野塚勇人)に出会う中で、彰の誠実さや優しさにどんどん惹かれていく百合。 だが彰は特攻隊員で、程なく命がけで戦地に飛ぶ運命だったー。
The drama depicts the exploits of the “Ichigeki Hishikkitai”, a special combat unit formed by farmers to deal with the "Imperial Robbers" and the "Imperial Thieves" of the Satsuma Clan who were causing a stir in Edo at the end of the Edo period.
Norio and his girlfriend, Mari Tanabe, have been dating for three years. They lived a peaceful life until one summer day, where Norio comes home to experience a peculiar sensation. The moment he sees the strong sun rays shining into his apartment, he realizes that Mari isn’t there. Instead, he finds an unfamiliar-looking woman who tells him that she is here to live with him. The eerie pale-skinned woman then introduces herself as Mari..
Aoyama's Friend
Motoki Aizawa
The fifth work of the "Kita-Shirakawa school movie" in which a student of Kyoto University of Art and Design, a professional film staff, and a cast team up to make a film. With a certain big disaster, people are struggling for love while holding their own circumstances, and as a result, they ask what it is to "live correctly" even in a vague and uneasy era. Ittoku Kishibe played Yanagida, the protagonist of the protagonist who created and exhibited objects that incorporate radioactive materials to create and display indiscriminate terrorism.